I read what other mom's have said and respect their opinions and experience. I am going to say, however, that we have friends who did Babywise and we did not... at the same time, they are very near the same age, only days apart.
Our baby was happy and content. We watched for cues that she was hungry, etc and took care of her needs. (We didn't wait until she was in full-wail to meet her needs, as one mother suggested.)
I have to say that my friend's baby was stressed and constantly crying. Plus, my friends were constantly worrying about what time it was, how long it had been since the last feeding. The baby was crying, but it wasn't time to eat yet, etc. what to do. Everyone was stressed. After a couple of horrible months, they quit... started paying attention to their child instead of a schedule and everything smoothed out in about a week.
You should also understand that the "eat, poop/change, sleep, wet/change, sleep, wet/change, eat, etc." cycle is what it is all about at this age.