There is a longstanding, old remedy for winter blues and gives your hormones a huge boost- I mean the happy ones. Fish oil. Especially this time of year its unbelievable the results and change in my life. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed at a very young age, and except for a 1.5 yr stint in sunny California, haven't experienced relief from negative emotions and fatigue til I started eating lots of healthy fats and taking my daily fish oil. Hormones are made out of fats, and good ones like fish oil (get moleculary distilled, something like Nordic Naturals is a good brand), virgin coconut oil, and nut butters and FULL FAT organic dairy will help your moods thrive. "The Truth About Beauty" by Kat James is a great starting point for understanding all the negative publicity fat gets and why we women need it to stay emotionally balanced and let our natural beauty shine.
I have moved to Amish country from a bigger city, and I am sometimes stuck on my hill in snowy weather with two small children, no family and few friends, a husband who is GONE every other week for 4 days/three nights for his job, and have always suffered from seasonal depression. And with the right diet, it makes an INCREDIBLE difference. The rest of my downright cheerfulness this year I attribute to my spiritual life, but I won't preach that to anyone unless they personally ask and want to know.