I had horrible PPD. I was unable to treat it holistically. (That is to say, nothing worked short of prescription meds.) People who are able to pull out of it by "pulling themselves up by their boot straps" so to speak, do not actually have PPD, they have baby blues, which is much milder. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, and it tends to feed on itself. In other words, the more depressed you get, the less likely it is that you'll be able to pull out of it without medication. That being said, there are medications you can take that are safe to take while pregnant and breastfeeding. Ask your doctor about this, s/he can help you through this. Hang in there. PPD is so tough to cope with when you have a new baby, aren't getting much sleep, and you're overwhelmed with a tide of hormones. Please speak with your doctor; help is available for you!