i'm so glad i don't see them! i probably wouldn't be here if i did. they sound way too obnoxious.
The ads on this website are beginning to annoy me. I like the mamasource one with the mom and two girls in pink coats--very cute. But the baby singing on a microphone bugs me. And the Wendy's ad with the moving red and yellow background drives me crazy. Anyone else annoyed to the point of distraction?
i'm so glad i don't see them! i probably wouldn't be here if i did. they sound way too obnoxious.
Edited to add: THANK YOU mamas who have recommended ADBLOCK! It works! I just installed it (very quick), reloaded this site, and it came in instantly, ad free. FABULOUS! I'm all for advertising paying for the features we use online, but when it becomes too intrusive and obnoxious (that ugly baby "star"), people tend to resist rather than allow.
Original post:
This is the SLOWEST functioning site I ever try to visit. Takes nearly a minute to load, sometimes longer, and can take up to two minutes before I can actually click a link.
Way too slow for me to bother with most days ;-(, unless I'm doing other computer work and can just let mmp grind away on a separate window. The sound generally loads so slowly that I seldom hear it. But occasionally it suddenly starts blaring after a few minutes. A real shock when that happens!
Love the content here, but HATE how cumbersome the ads are. Life's too busy to sit and wait for advertising.
The only ads I get are the mamasource ones.
I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser, and then use the adblocker (Adblock Plus, maybe?) add-on... that blocks all the other ads!
I can't stand the Children Casting Calls ad. I really hate it!
I have never seen ads on this site. :)
Nope! Because I don't see them. I use AdBlockPlus, which is a Google Chrome extension. I think there's one for Firefox too. I love ABP so much, it's been a God send for so many websites. Here, Facebook, Livejournal, you name it.
They don't bother me at all, but I have Adblock Plus installed on my Chrome and Firefox. If you use Internet Explorer, which is only good for downloading other browsers, Adblock Plus doesn't work.
Don't pay attention to them.
I do know that the ones for the pens drove me NUTS - the sound they made? I had to turn my sound off. URGH!!
Since I am in the 'let kids live like kids' contingent, yeah, the "MAKE YOUR BABY A STAR!" ad really bugged me the first time I saw it. It just seems exploitative- and makes me sad for the kids. Now I just ignore it.
I haven't seen the Wendy's ad-- but maybe I don't get those?
I noticed they were getting a little bit more aggressive with the ads back when we were being subjected to the never ending election cycle(before and after the GOP nomination). I remember Rick Santorum's face being the first thing I saw the minute I wanted to ask a questions.
Mamapedia does not pay for itself. At least I am assuming this much.
Right now I am staring down a very loud baby in fake Oakleys or a bad pair of fake ray bans for Thecast.tv Super annoying.
I hate being advertised too, honestly. to the point it is one reason why we dont have cable or attempt to use our rabbit ears to even pull in local channels. I cringe having to still even listen or skip ads on say You Tube.
I hate people trying to sell me their next best thing. I hate how they can say whatever they want in an ad....because it is what they think it will take to get us to buy it. It is insulting how dumb ad easy they think we are.
So although I try and take it all with a grain of salt here, I truly wish we could opt out of the stupid ads that they run across their pages. Maybe that is one reason in sub-conscience I have kinda put some distance between the site and myself(other then recently).
Thank You for saying something. I always hope that the creators and keepers of this site watch what we are saying to one another and use that to build the site for the better.
I don't like the baby with the mic either. Your question reminds me of the gambling ads that I used to see up above the threads. Thank goodness THOSE are gone!
I don't see any moving ads. I'm very glad about that.
What annoys me the most are the ones that are just above the "recently asked questions" section on the right. They take forever to load, so you can't just answer the question and move on. Usually I have to sit here for a good 1 minute or more before I can do anything else on the page (and my connection is lightning-fast, so I know it's not that). I reported it to Mamapedia tech support, but didn't receive an answer, and the problem persists. :-/
I just ignore them mainly because I know that if they weren't there as sponsors then the website would probably charge in order to pay for upkeep and admins and I'd lose it forever.
They are there, but I have mentally blocked them out. I have always been able to do that with tv commercials too. My husband and I will be watching tv together, commercials come on and he will comment on the commercial. I'l be "huh? I wasn't watching?" He'll say "But you were looking right at it!" Yeah, but a million miles away.
lol I was just g oing to say I love that pink rain coat and wish i looked like that lady, don't even really know what the ad is for. but yes the baby rock star doesn't sit well with me, and to be honest i hate how slow the pop ups make my page go and how unsafe they make me feel like cookies are somehow infecting my computer.
but i will put up with them if it means the site is free because i do love it here and i am way to cheap to pay