7 Weeks Pregnant & SHOWING?!

Updated on November 08, 2011
M.H. asks from Lima, OH
18 answers

Hello :) I am 7 weeks pregnant & already showing! I wouldn't question "why" if I didn't already have two kids. I have two boys 4 & 5 years old and I didn't show with them until about 6 months along. Is this a sign it's a girl?? :) What is your experience if you've had boy/girl?

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answers from Jacksonville on

Dawn is right. I showed a lot earlier with my second. I've gotten bigger with my second and I've gained less weight. I'm having my second boy in 2 weeks.

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answers from Houston on

I showed MUCH more with my girls and sooner, people are just now starting to notice im pregnant and im 6 months along with my first boy.

I absolutely believe that we carry boys and girls differently. It takes different hormones to grow a girl.

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answers from Phoenix on

It's just that the body remembers...and remembers well. Ditto Alexis G.

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answers from Charlotte on

Nah, it just means that your body is really used to being pregnant.

I was bigger with my second, even though I didn't gain nearly as much weight. And I had a second boy.

Congrats on the pregnancy!

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answers from Cleveland on

You show faster because you've had two kids and your muscles there will never be the same. I felt like for my daughter I was wider. When I had my boys everyone told me from the back I did not look pregnant. With my daughter I did look pregnant from the back. I had 3 boys and 1 girl

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answers from Norfolk on

Its a sign that your body already knows what it is doing. After you've been pregnant a few times the abdominals loosen up as soon as the relaxin starts flowing in your body,

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answers from Kansas City on

Congratulations! I showed early with all mine... the 3rd time was twins. ;)

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answers from Boston on

Nothing to do w gender. congrats

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answers from Austin on

I laughed because I read your question and then saw your name.. Of course you will show a lot earlier.. Your body knows what to do..Plus you had twins with your last pregnancy, Totally normal.

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answers from Toledo on

I have four kids, and despite weighing a little less and less when I got pregnant with each one, I showed earlier and earlier. I think it has more to do with already having kids than it does the sex of the baby.But everyone is different, so who knows... I hope you have a happy and healthy rest of the pregnancy! Congrats!

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answers from Dayton on

I don't think it has a thing to do with gender - I showed before I missed my period with my 3rd boy! Good luck and congratss!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Every pregnancy is different, and the way your body reacts will be different also. I was showing at 8 weeks with my first son. Good luck!

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answers from Topeka on

my first was a boy & I was into strechy pants at 6 weeks with him from there on its all belly I grew outwards,now with my 2 girls it took time for me to show I did feel comfy in maternity pants & shirts but I grew wider & my hips seem to spread wider they will never be the same,now on my fourth still not really showing fit ok in my reg. shirts & jeans a bit snug around the belly but for those comments on you don't look pregnant well i'am no denying it.I'll be 19 weeks this weeks & will have my sono on the 10th if the sex can be seen then i'll know what i'm having my hunch is a girl fromt he tiem I knew I was prego till now I feel it is a girl but I could be wrong


answers from Eugene on

Better get ready for the Mother of Twins Club. Congratulations.



answers from Redding on

I am very tiny and "showed" early with both kids.
I also went back to my normal body size after they were born so perhaps that wasn't a bad thing.
My kids had nowere to go but OUT.

I can't say what the sign is, but I have a girl and a boy and I had a belly very early with both.
My daughter is also tiny and showed early. She didn't get very big considering her baby was born at 7 pounds, 8 ounces. We were shocked her son was so big.

Best wishes.



answers from Seattle on

Nah I dont think it means girl. I had a girl and i didnt start showing until 5-6 months and i was still kind of small. Didnt start to really look pregnant until 7 months. The ladies are right..after the first one your body knows what to do and you show faster. Congrats BTW!



answers from Milwaukee on

I was showing at 7 weeks, too!!! (I'm currently 11 weeks) but I'm pretty sure it's because I was "backed-up" from my prenatal vitamins. :( I still don't know if I'm having a boy or a girl...but they say if you crave meat then you're having a boy and if you crave sweets then you're having a girl! :)



answers from Savannah on

First off, you probably aren't "showing" as much as you think you are! I took pictures every week of my pregnancy, and I swore I was humongous at about 14 weeks, and looking back, I just looked bloated! I only have one, so I can't comment on the sex of the baby.

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