Buy the digital test that says pregnant or not pregnant, that way there is no question. I wouldn't be able to wait for the doctor, I would want to know right away! Good luck
when i tested last week, i had 2 positive tests...i wanted to make sure they were correct cus the line was faint so i asked the nurse for a blood test . Come to find out i have to take a urine test first. that was negative. she said, wait a week and if you don't start your period, come back. i was due for af yesterday and still no sign of her showing up. mild cramps here and there.
i didn't chart this month as i wanted to 'just have fun' and see what happens!
would you test at home today or wait a week?
Still no period. I am out of town at the moment and am thinking I should call my o.b. For a blood test later this week. (If I haven't started by the time I return)
Everyone is saying to retest but I feel silly doing so as the dr said, "I'm not pregnant." She said to come back in a week if I haven't started....today's a week.
If I did re test, would it be accurate by now as I'm 3 days late?
Buy the digital test that says pregnant or not pregnant, that way there is no question. I wouldn't be able to wait for the doctor, I would want to know right away! Good luck
Well a positive is a positive. You are pregnant. you only get false negative test and it doesn't matter how dark the line is...if its there at all then you are pregnant. Also it might have came up negative at the doctors because you aren't that far along and if you drank any liquids before going to your appointment then your pee was probably diluted giving you a false negative. Just to put your mind at ease I would by another test and take if with your first morning urine. I bet it will come up positive again. Congrats!
2 positive tests?
My doc told me that a positive was a positive - EXTREMELY RARE to be inaccurate. Because it tests for the presence of hcg in your urine. If it's there, you're pregnant. That only negative tests could be wrong and only because the level of hcg might be so low (early on) that it didn't detect it.
I'd say you're preggo!
I'd wait a week....yeah right! I'd buy the buy 2 get 1 free box and pee on ALL of them!! Preg tests aren't wrong so it's strange that you've taken a test with a positive result but their test was negative. I'd call the doc and have the nurse explain why this may have happened. They may be using a less sensitive test or something. Either the hormone is there or it isn't. That being said, if your body is rejecting a pregnancy really early you will have a + test while those hormones are still present. If you are having severe pain you need to go strait to the doc or the ER. By severe I mean so painful you can't stand and more of a stabbing pain than your normal menstrual cramps. It is possible to have a tubal pregnancy that can cause all kinds of problems if it isn't taken care of right away. That is very unlikely unless you have a history or know that you have damaged fallopian tubes from endometriosis. I wouldn't get too worked up about it though. It's not an uncommon experience. It will suck to wait but next week you will know for sure.
Test today.
One year ago I used the early detection sticks and got one extremely faint positive on the first day and very very faint positive the next day. The next day I found myself in Urgent Care and they wanted to do an xray on me. I told them I might be pregnant, they had me do the urine pregnancy test...it came back negative. I asked for another test, so they did another urine and a blood...positive. Now, baby boy sleeping upstairs.
The early detection otc sticks are very sensitive. I think the Dr's don't like us to go use the otc ones because by the time a hospital lab comes back with a positive probably the better chance the pregnancy is viable.
Good luck, and dare I say Congratulations!!!!
you know you're going to test anyway! :)
i would do it with a digital one and see. if its neg - then wait a week or unless you show a little brown blood. i had implantation bleeding for sure...i thought i was getting my period (cramps and all). tested at 8am and it was neg. had a little more crampy feeling at work with a little brown blood. tested again when i got home and it was pos...tested 2 more times and it was pos...9 mos later...a beautiful baby!
Tests at the 99 Cents store are 99 cents and have worked every time I have used them!
test today, but still use the early detection ones. that way if the baby implanted late then it should still come up positive.
It's almost impossible to get a fake positive result whereas false negatives happen all the time. If you already got positive tests, then you're most likely pregnant. I'd go ahead and take another one now, especially if you've already had positive results. This might seem premature, but I'd say Congrats are probably in order. Good luck!
The same thing happened to me with both my kids. I got a faint positive line with both and a negative on urine test given by the doctor. I think the home tests are actually stronger then the ones at the doctor--especially the early detection ones.
i would wait a week. it may take some time for it to show up if your pregnant or not. i waited at least until i was 2 weeks late with both my children.