Hi K.,
Yes, I've had false negatives and then was pregnant. I think having a blood test for this at 2 days out was a bit early. My false test was at about 3 days late. (around Valentines, it was going to be the best present ever!) I had all the symptoms - headaches, sore breasts, light cramps, etc. but the test was neg. I figured it was just stress or stress of wanting it. I had had a miscarriage a few months before, so every time I was an hour late, my mind started wondering/hoping. I tried not to think about it (yeah, right!) I have a floating period, so I figured that was the issue. Maybe I wasn't really late yet. I forced my self to wait until 2 weeks past the absolute last normal start time (around Mar. 4) the test was pos! I couldn't believe it. I took the test 2x just to be sure. The result was a beautiful baby girl, which I think was part of the issue with the test, perhaps the extra estrogen was messing it up?? I also had some spotting in the first few months, so they watched me carefully, given my past history.
My dr. said that some times the tests show a neg. and its realy pos. That if you think you may be pregnant, to eat/act like it until you know for sure. The ones to worry about are the false pos. results. While you may be pregnant, your body isn't producing enough of the key hormone to register on the test.
I always used the EPT multipacks (2-3 tests per pack) and did the test both ways, peeing on and dipped.
Best of luck.