Dear mommy it may very well be monkey see monkey do. but teach your child in any case that hitting anyone especially himself is wrong. Dont feel sorry for the toddler because you have to remember he wont be a toddler for long and this could become a major problem when he gets older. A lot of children become adult that torture themselve when a problem arises that they cant handle which can result in suicide or harm to someone else. This is the best time to teach him that hitting is wrong and keep reminding him of it until he's old enough to understand. Watch him closely during his learning stages if it doesnt change seek therapy. their nothing wrong with therapy it will help you deal with the situatiion early. and give you support also. If any pediatrican tries to put your child on medication Please seek a second oppinion. Because it may not be that serious. Some children grow out of thier habits after they reach a certain age. Blessings.