I'm sorry you are not happy. I am truly sorry.
What are you putting into your marriage? Any effort? Please don't take that wrong. But PLEASE understand NO MARRIAGE is perfect. There is no fairy tale and "happily ever after".
My parents have been married 56 years - and even NOW they WORK on it. Made more difficult that for the last 17 or 18 years, my paternal grandmother has been living with my parents. So that is NOT easy. She's now 96 years old and for them in their late 70's? It's like having a kid all over again!!
I have been married 16 years this October. We have had WONDERFUL years, bad years, good years and so-so years. Those wonderful years? We were BOTH actively participating in our marriage....communicating, doing things as a family, doing things as a couple. Those bad years? We were both "disinterested" and they weren't "years" - but times in our life. Just like a roller coaster...up and down, twists and turns.
You need to learn how to communicate with each other again. CONNECT with each other again...LISTEN to each other again. your marriage is a garden...there are BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS waiting to be cultivated...and there are weeds that need to be pulled. Marriage is WORK. it is a relationship. You get out of it what you put into it.
Consider marriage counseling. Consider therapy for yourself. You might be depressed as well...which is contributing to your being miserable....
Get a calendar. Get your family on a schedule. take your son out of some sports - he doesn't NEED to do more than 2 sports.
You can afford a private school because you sacrifice. That's GREAT! now, you need to put your marriage first. Show your children what a marriage is like. YOU CAN DO THIS!! DO NOT GIVE UP.
You NEED a break. You NEED a vacation. Your family is overbooked. maybe take a timeshare somewhere other than your honeymoon spot....look around for money better spent. If you aren't using your timeshare - sell it.
You need a break. You need to schedule time for yourself. Be it girls night out - or to go to the Town Center and sit and read a book while people walk by....date nights with your husband - even if it means spreading a blanket out on the living room floor and sharing a bottle of wine and fruit...if neither of you drink - a tea or water - you get the drift. date nights do NOT have to be "going out" they can be catch up at home. Time for yourself is just as vitally important as date night with your husband.
Start KISSING your husband again when he walks in the door from work. Compliment him on something. TALK WITH him. NOT TO him...open the lines of communication again...write down a list of things you appreciate about your husband. write down a list of things YOU want to do with him....what were some of your dreams when you got married? Share them....see if those dreams are attainable...
PLEASE!!! DO NOT GIVE UP! Please schedule an appointment with your PCP...find a therapist for you and a marriage counselor ....ensure that the marriage counselor is one that will WORK WITH YOU and show you how your marriage can and will work....
best of luck to you!! Please! Please! Please! Seek help! YOU CAN DO THIS!!