Bottles Accessories: Toddler, Aveeno

Results 1-10 from 214 articles

Adopting a Boy - What to Register for an (18 Month Old) Baby Shower

W.M. asks from Dallas

My husband will have the son we've been praying for in two months. Some friends from our church are wanting to throw us a shower - can you give me an idea of the "mus...


What Face Wash and Face Lotion Are the Best?

T.W. asks from Detroit

I am looking for a new face wash and face lotion. So what do you like the best and what do you just not like at all. Right now I keep switching my face wash because...


11 Month Old with Bad Eczema

J.T. asks from New York

Hello ladies, My 11 month old daughter has had eczema since she was 5 months old and I feel as she gets older, her eczema is getting worse. I've tried aquaphor, A&D ...


Very Dry Skin on Our 4-Month-old Daughter's Face

L.M. asks from South Bend

Our poor baby! She's been having ongoing trouble with skin on her forehead, cheeks, and chin that's so dry that it flakes off and/or gets yellow and crusty. We've bee...


Sunblock for a 6 Month Old

R.N. asks from Albuquerque

I have a 6 month old boy and now that the weather is getting warmer (Finally!!!!) I would like to start doing stuff out doors with him, zoo, parks, etc. What sunbloc...


My 3 Month Old Skin

M.A. asks from Seattle

I have notice a rash-like problem around my babys neck, and I dry spots on his back and chest, I would like to know what can i put on it to help it heal. I put vasli...


2 Questions About 5 Month Old.....

H.G. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter just turned 5 months. She had a little bit of cradle cap when she was a newborn, but haven't seen any since a few days ago. It just started coming up, rea...


Cradle Cap on 6 Month Old, Does Sebulex Work for Anyone?

J.S. asks from Raleigh

My son has a bad case of cradle cap, it showed up when he was about 2 months old that I cannot get rid of and now in the last month or so there are other spots. The ...


3 Month Son Has Dry Flaky Scalp Since 1 Wk Old and Getting Worse

M.D. asks from Washington DC

my 3 month old son has dry flaky scalp since he came home from the hospital. it started out in one area on top of his head. at his 2 week appointment his doc said it ...


5 Month Old with Cradle Cap

K.W. asks from Youngstown

My 5 month old has cradle cap pretty badly. It started when he was around two months old. His doctor said to apply baby oil once daily, let it sit for 15 minutes, t...