Bottle Brush: Toddler, Aveeno

5 articles

How Do I Get My 4 Month Old to Feed from the Bottle?

J.P. asks from San Francisco

My 4 month old daughter is too used to the breast and will not feed from the bottle. When we try and give it to her, she fusses, screams and cries until we give her ...


2 Questions About 5 Month Old.....

H.G. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter just turned 5 months. She had a little bit of cradle cap when she was a newborn, but haven't seen any since a few days ago. It just started coming up, rea...


Diaper Rash

K.W. asks from Dallas

my 2yr old daughter has been sick for the entire month of october with a virus and ear infections and now she has a horrible diaper rash that desitin isnt...



M.M. asks from Norfolk

What are some must haves for first babies? We are about to register and we need to know life savers and best buys:)


What Do You Really NEED for a New Born?

E.B. asks from Santa Barbara

We're trying to plan and be as prepared as necessary for our first born who is scheduled to arrive in Sept. We do not want to have lots of unnecessary "stuff". We a...