Anyone know of any fun wedding shower games? I am helping throw a shower and don't remember any games from previous showers that were fun and not a burden to guests. Any help would be great
We did a few at my shower that people thought were fun/cute:
We played wedding gift bingo - you give each person a blank "bingo" card to write in each square what they believe the bride/groom will receive as gifts, so as the couple are opening, you cross it off on your bingo sheet - the first to get bingo wins (we did 1st & 2nd place - obviously 1st place was a bigger prize).
We also played a game called what's in your purse? - this was cute, but I think we should have done it opposite than how we did it - basically my mom & I came up with a list of things a woman carries around in her purse - we came up with like 20, and we did it where the person who had the most won the prize - we did a "purse survival kit" that my mom & I made up by getting things at the store (all the small travel items & most were under $1) - but I think if you're going to do the purse survival kit, you should do it so the person who has the least wins that prize - that way they get the things they need for the inside of their purse.
I've also seen another game where you do kind of a bride/groom trivia - put together questions on a sheet of paper & have everyone fill them out (like while you're eating) and the person who answers the most correctly wins - questions like: who's older, where did they meet, where are they going on their honeymoon, etc.
Also, I believe we looked on for ideas and there were a few there, so if you don't like these, you can always look for more.
Hope I helped!
We didn't want too many games, so we played a word scramble game where we thought of a bunch of different wedding words and people had to unscramble them. I also surfed the web and found a cake game. It was a game where you give a clue about a certain cake, and the people had to decide what the name of the cake was. People had a ton of fun, and it is good for all ages. Finally, I just asked the groom to answer some questions about the bride. Then, I asked the bride the same questions at the bridal shower. It was fun because people who didn't know much about the couple got to find out a lot more details. For example, how did you propose, where are you going on your honeymoon, etc.
Hi Monica--
Here's a SIMPLE "game" to do & guests love it! Set a timer to go off randomy while the bride is opening gifts-- it could be after 1 min, 10 minutes, etc. Whoevers gift she is opening wins the prize. All you need is a timer. It also made more people pay attention to the gift opening, as they all wanted the timer to go off when their gift was being opened!
Have two that were hilarious!
One is the dirty diaper under a random chair. We bought the cheapest package of diapers and in a couple of them, put an unwrapped snickers bar inside. Tape all of them, including the empty ones under the chairs. At some point in the party, announce that who ever has a "dirty" diaper wins. Gross, but very funny.
The other one was to fill a couple bottles with water and have a contest of adult bottle drinkers. Prize goes to the first one to finish the water in their bottle. Be sure to use very little water as it is very hard to drink from a bottle.
There are 2 we did at my wedding shower that were fun for the guests to watch and they were between my husband and I.
We were both given a roll of toilet paper and had to see who could unravel it faster. Whoever did got the esteemed title of "head of the household". It was hilarious and everybody cheered (of course I won).
We also played another game with a basket of household cleaning products. They placed the basket of products in front of my husband and I then one of my bridesmaids read a goofy story she wrote (that included the brand name of all the items) and everytime a product name was said we had to grab it out before the other one got it. The guests were all into shouting frantically when they heard a product name and laughing at how funny we looked (neither of us knew half the products since we were very "frat-like" with our cleaning before has gotten better since).
Have fun!
The funniest one I remember from my sisters shower is fill a tray with random items and have a bridesmaid OR the bride walk around the room. Tell everyone to be very observant. Then have that person leave the room. Tell the attendees to describe WHAT THE PERSON WAS WEARING. Everyone was so shocked because they had been looking at the try. It was a lot of fun. The person that could describe the most (on paper) won a prize.
You can also do a questionairre about the bride and groom. I think you can find a sample on-line. It asks the attendees to answer questions about the couple (i.e. where they met, etc.). Some are random questions (i.e. what side of the bed does she sleep on, etc.). You can be very creative and have a lot of fun with it.
Good luck!
Hi Monica,
I see you are throwing a wedding shower. My name is Dawn and I have a mom-owned invitation business in Oak Lawn. If you are in need of any guest favors feel free to contact me or you can visit the website that I purchase all of my wedding favors from. As for shower games the only one I know of is Bridal Bingo and you can purchase those at your local party store.
Good Times Invitations
Here are some fun and engaging wedding shower games to entertain your guests:
**1. The Newlywed Game
What You Need: A set of questions about the bride and groom.
How to Play:
- Before the shower, ask the groom questions about himself and the bride. Write down his answers.
- During the shower, ask the bride the same questions and compare her answers with the groom’s.
- Guests can guess beforehand whether her answers will match his.
- Bridal Bingo
What You Need: Bingo cards customized with wedding-related items or the bride’s gift registry.
How to Play:
- Guests mark off squares when they see the bride open a corresponding gift.
- The first person to get a bingo wins!