Traveling in Car

My husband and I are planning a trip to see my in-laws in Oklahoma. This is our first time to travel over 1 hour in the car with our 19 week old. Can anyone give me any tips/advice?


I have travel cross country from VA to Texas a couple of time with my little ones. If it only over an hour drive during naptime when baby sleep the longest. You should have no problems unless the baby decides to poop. Make sure you pack extra clothes and diapers and wipes in case of accidents. If the baby does decide to stay awake sit in the back with baby and play some toys with the baby so they know things are fine and they just dont have to stare at the back of the car seat the whole time.
Good Luck! :)

Drive at nap time! Stop somewhre for baby's meal times (don't try to feed in the car). If baby is awake, be prepared to stop if you need to (the idea of "making good time" is out the window when traveling with kids). When we drive with ours and they seem to get a little fussy, we could press on with lots of screaming, or take a 5 minute break from driving and continue on in peace. I prefer peace. Good luck!

Sitting in the back with the baby is a drag, but it's the only way to make sure the baby is okay and to make sure the driver stays sane. Be careful of giving snacks to toddlers when on a car trips... they can choke and the car noise makes it hard to hear what's going on in the back seat.

Leave at your child's bedtime and you & your husband rely on eachother to visit with eachother along the way. My husband and I usually get a really great visit in and my 2 year old son sleeps the whole way (unless we stop or something, but he goes back to sleep easily).

We found a product that helped us heaps when driving with the kids. It clips to your car interior light. It lets the kids read books and play with toys or play games in the back when it is still dark outside. It doesn’t distract the driver either. (you can look at it online at Hope this helps as it saved us big time. Always sits in our glove box when not in use.