Hello everyone! Does anyone know of a product or home remedy for pet urine/vomit stain removal for white carpet? I've tried most products sold at Wal-Mart and Target; they lighten the stain but don't remove it completely! Please help!
Thank you!
Hello everyone! Does anyone know of a product or home remedy for pet urine/vomit stain removal for white carpet? I've tried most products sold at Wal-Mart and Target; they lighten the stain but don't remove it completely! Please help!
Thank you!
I have 2 indoor dogs and this is a problem we've had to deal with more than once! :( If it is a light stain, I will spray it with diluted Solumel and then press on the stain with a paper towel. It may take a few tries but this almost always gets rid of the stain without any other treatment. Solumel is a great product because it is a deodorizer as well as a stain remover! If the stain is a little more deep, I will spray it with full-strength Solumel and then press with a paper towel. A few times, when a stain has set in, I have sprayed it with PreSpot before steam cleaning the spot with a Tough & Tender/Solumel solution. I've never had any of these products fail me!
My husband and I own a Carpet Cleaning company, and we recommend Nature's Miracle sold at Petsmart or Petco. The only problem is that not all pet stains are removable, and even with professional cleaning they can be tough to remove. It all depends on the dog and how much protien is in the urine. That is what causes the yellowing. Please do not use Oxiclean - we've seen time and time again this product bleaches out carpet and white carpet it will actually turn it even more yellow or brown, which is a chemical reaction that actually is a burn. The only way to fix it is to do a patch at that point. We have a d.i.y. spot removal guide on our website for all sorts of spots and spills. You can check it out at www.LoveYourCarpets.com. Good luck!
You should try just plain old hydrogen peroxcide (spelling) I have got 2 dogs, 1 cat and a 3 year old daughter oh and one big baby husband...lol!!! I use that on everyting from carpet stains to stains on clothes and bed spreads. Cheap and works great.
a product st the vet is stain eliminator. its in a white can with green writng. or try. . . vinegar or pine sol
I should have read other posts before composing my own. I got some great answers from there. Thank you!