My white trash piece of s*** abusive father

I want my father to give me money allowance every day and I hate all the bullshit he says! I want to live with this girl Julia Angeles and Kaitlyn Grady from my college so badly. I hate my stupid f-ing parents!

Yo get a job you whiny little sissy

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Can I live with the girls in my college?

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Hi @mwcinnyc A lot of emotion and frustration there in that post. I hope you understand that I had to edit down the delivery just a bit as the message can get lost in the fearsome delivery. If you can give us a little more context the folks here at mamapedia might be able to give you some helpful advice on how to approach this discussion with your father in a way that hears you being a mature adult who can have some say in decisions. Want to take a deep breath and try again so maybe we can help?

Can I go live with these girls (Julia, Kyla and Kaitlyn) from my college?