Indoor Games for Windy Weather/Fire Season

Greetings Mommies!

I live in the Santa Clarita Valley and we have an amazing yard at my parents house that my 2 year old son loves to run, jump and use his new jungle gym. However, with the gusty winds these past few days he's had to stay inside, especially with the ash from local fires yesterday and today. And, to top it off he's got pretty bad allergies to pollen and dust that creep up during this time of, to avoid him being a daily Claritin kiddo, Grandma and I alternate days indoor and outdoor.

We have created an indoor obstacle course that he loves and brought out the finger paints and stuff, but does anyone have some stellar ideas for indoor games or craft ideas for toddlers?

Thanks in advance!! Just want to keep my arsenal fully loaded for those times when the obstacle course is not doing the trick.

For a change of environment don't forget indoor play grounds like My Playroom, Creative Leap and Under The Sea or even a Mickey-Ds or Chuck Cheeses (just remember a lot of diaper wipes for the hands so as not to pick up anything that you don't want to bring home.) . Also many malls have play areas. Sometimes we do a Yogakids or Elmocize or Kararte Kids or other children's video that encourages movement. Cooking, Do-a-dots, Stickers, playdough, Toddler Computer Games (check out Reader Rabbit and Leap Ahead products), playdates and classes, all can help break up the day. After two days inside we were all getting cabin fever and needed a change of scenery tonight.

Good Luck.

Get a sheet out and put it over some chairs to create a tent to go indoor camping. Break out the play doh and play doh toys (or cookie cutters). Paint with water kits are great, too! My daughter used to look forward to rainy days because we'd break out the paint with water. Blocks or trains are good, too. Good luck!

2 words Scooter's Jungle!!!!!

This blog has some ideas and some good links.

Ku-Ba! Addictive target hitting game...awesome game for indoor/outdoor.

With the help of Grandma, we’ve tried the suggestions and decided to create an idoor ‘box of fun’ with games, activities, recipes and destination ideas for days when the weather is not ideal for outdoor play.

Thanks to those who responded.