HELP - Eyeliner on carpet!!!

My very cute 2 year old boy got eyeliner on my carpet. I think the tip broke off and now it is smeared in several location. Does anyone have any tips? I haven't tried anything yet because it took me a day to figure out exactly what it was. THANKS!!!


I have found 2 things that seems to remove anything from carpet: oxyclean and resolve. I used oxyclean to remove red...yes, I said red paint and resolve to remove black shoe polish from beige carpet. Both instantly took out the marks. It was amazing. I hope one of these works for you. Good luck!!

Try Spot Shot in the spray bottle. I have used it on sharpee marker that my 2 year old drew on the carpet with and used it on fingernail polish when she decide to paint her "piggies". It is also a great stain remover.

Help is on the way! Mary Kay Eye Makeup Remover. Email me and I will gladly clean your spot as a free demo or contact your personal Independent Beauty Consultant and ask her about this product.

When we had the exterior of our house painted my 4 year old got black paint on our beige carpets. I used Best Yet carpet cleaner from Meyer Labs in Blue Springs. I have also used it on pet stains, food, marker and everything else you can imagine with 3 boys, a husband, 2 dogs, 2 cats and very high traffic. When I used it on the black paint that had dried it took 2-3 times of spraying it, but I could see a difference each time I sprayed and scrubbed.

Hey Kristen!

Have you tried Sol-u-Mel? I work from home with a team and we set up accounts for customers to get these everyday household products shipped to our door to save us time and money. We are a "green" company committed to better, safer, healthier products in our home. I have been with them for 3 years as a customer shopping this way. Sol-u-mel is just 1 amazing product that they do have...there are many others too that I can share with you. But Sol-u-Mel will do the trick for you...another customer of mine was able to get out lipstick that her son embedded into the carpet!!! This removes things like grease, crayon, permanent marker, etc... without having harsh chemicals in the product so much safer for you and your family but the product actually works wonders :) I can get you more info. so send me a private message or go to or and would be able to share many other things with you too!!!

Years ago my son spilled India ink on our carpet and one carpet guy told me to spray it liberally with hair spray and then pat it off with paper towels. It really did work, so maybe it will work for you.


I once spilled red nail polish on a white berber carpet. I used powder laundry detergent mixed with just a little water to make a paste and it worked like a charm, my dad never found out!! Good luck, let me know how you fixed it, I am going to be a first time mom in march and i'm sure in a couple years I will need help with getting something out of the carpet!

Sol-u-mel works wonders! It gets everything from ink to blood out of carpets, perm marker off of white walls (without taking off paint) and much, much more!

Cottonelle Fresh Moist towelettes work great too. Just took out black pencil eyeliner out of off white carpet in 3 spots. Just lifted the carpet fibers with the towelette and rubbed until all color was out of the fibers. Then rubbed the carpet! Worked like a charm... So glad I saw your post, I thought it was going to be impossible! Ann H

Thanks for all of the suggestions!! I have to tell you what worked - baby wipes!! The eyeliner was Aveda and I think I lucked out this time. Take care.