Has anyone tried Magic Jack?

I keep seeing ads on television for Magic Jack. Has anyone tried this new phone service? If so how well does it work?

My husband bought one of these. The reception was good. It works. I was use to the regular phone. I remember complaining, but I tend to complain with my husband although sometimes it has nothing to do with the topic (e.g. magic jack), he may have made me mad that day. I would definitely give it a try, especially for long distance calls. My brother in law uses it all the time to call IL from Montana. My husband was just mentioning that the one problem he didn't care for was that we had to keep the computer on. Good Luck.

We have not had a "land line" for quite some time, but we needed one for our new condo that had tele-entry (in other words you buzzed them up using the telephone). So we thought we would give it a try. I bought mine off of QVC because of their super easy return policy.

It is true, your computer does need to be "on" and have a constant internet connection, but it will still work if your computer is on "power save" mode, as long as the internet is still connected.

We love it, for $20 a year you can't beat it in my opinion. It even has 911 service (which I did use once and it does work). It was even easy to set up. We use it a lot more than we thought we would, it's great.

And if you buy it from QVC and for some reason you don't like it you can always return it, no questions asked (which from what I read is not so much the case if you bought it from Magic Jack themselves).

I have had one for about 3 months. It works really well, the only thing that I do not like is that I have to have my computer on all the time. It really depends on your internet connection. If you have a slow connection then your phone might be a bit slower. It's not any better or worse than a cell phone.
the really good thing is that if you travel a lot you can take it with you and plug it into any computer. It also sends your voice mails to your email.
The best part about it is that i am able to save $30 a month on my cell phone bill and only pay $20 a year for the magic jack!!!

Hi Sigrid,
Love your question since I have seen this ad before as well and was wondering if it is worth it going through the trouble of switching which these companies never make easy.
I have ATT for internet (can't stand ATT, but it is reliable and so far the best price for internet alone), for phone service I have Vonage. Great customer service. Vonage gives me an ok deal on my international calls.
Anybody making international calls with the Magic Jack? What's your experience there?
So all you do is pay for the device and than a low yearly fee?
All you Mom's have a great weekend.

My father-in-law has one and swears by it! He ordered one when that's the only place you could get it (you can now get them in Walgreens.) They use it all the time! Hope this helps.

I havent tried it but did see it at Kohls with all the as seen on tv stuff. Looks like a good idea. Anything would be better than AT&T. They totally suck.

Yes iv'e had one since october it works fine. Once there was lots of static. My friend called me back and the line was clear. I keep in touch more with long distance calls.
It works for me. I recommend it.


The service will work for you, If you have internet and you keep you computer/ Laptop on to recieve calls.

WE do have problem with the sound once in a while, other than that it has been working fine.


My husband has been talking abou that too. We were wondering if it's any good. The price is right that's for sure.

yeap, we've had it for a while and for the price,i think its worth it compared to the 'other companies'oh what a relief and those bills!!!give it a try it wouldn't hurt...best of luck!

We have it and I wouldn't say we "love it!" we do appreciate the savings it gives us. 911 does work too, and that's a huge bonus.

It sometimes has static, but we apologize, hang-up, and call back and the problem is resolved. Although annoying, the static issue is rare.

Like others have said, for it to work all the time you need to have your computer on all the time. We don't keep ours on, we ask people to call us on our land line for now.

Good luck! I'd say the benefits are significant, the risks are minimal!

Thanks for all the responses. You all really gave me some good advice. I think I will be trying one. I would really like to get rid of our land line and just have cell phones and now this. Help save us some $$. God Bless to all who helped me out.