Our little girl has a very sensitive gag reflex and throws up a lot, very often in her room on the carpet. I thought we were doing a good job cleaning it up but I've just noticed a few little black spots that I think are mold....gross! I cleaned the areas and they look better but as it appears the damage goes further down than the surface I want to clean the carpet asap. My husband suggested renting a carpet cleaner but I'm worried about the chemicals as she is starting to spend more time on the floor. Has any one else had to deal with getting mold out of carpet? Any suggestions for the safest way to clean the carpet for baby? Thanks!!!
We've carpet cleaned (steam cleamer) our daughter's room a few times but just make sure it's dry before you let her play on it. Maybe clean in AM and let it dry all day. You can rinse it twice to make sure you get the chemicals out. I would actually be more worried if it is mold as it can lead to other health issues.
I'm not sure how to clean it but if there's potentially mold on the carpet you may want to consider replacing it as that can cause health issues just like the chemicals you are trying to avoid. You may also try using a fan to dry the carpet after washing it out.
If you have mold I would call a professional you do not want to deal with it on your own.
If you want I can give you the name of our company and you can say your related to me and get a discount this way a professional will come out clean it one really good time and then you will be able to manage it on your own. Mold is a very bad thing especially in the babies room.
BTW it could not be mold too. Sometimes if you don't extract it properly the dirt will rise to the surface and create the browning effect that would not be mold it's just the soil. If it's indeed mold we can send someone out and your insurance may cover it too.
I have a wonderful company for you to use that is 100% safe and they take care of mold in carpeting. The company is called Heritage carpet and upholstery. It is family owned by Joe and Jeff Regan. The thing that makes them different from all other carpet cleaning companies is that they are registered 100% green. They don't use any harmful chemicals and their cleaning solution can be drank and not cause any bodily harm. They use a carbonation process to clean the carpets - like the old saying of using club soda to clean a spot - they do that but on a larger scale. They can also disinfect for mold using a 100% green product. I had wonderful results from them. My basement flooded twice within 4 weeks (my husbands own handyman work!! HaHa!) and while we got the majority of the water out and had huge fans to help dry it, it still smelled really musty and some mold spots showed up. Joe came over and in 2 treatments (first to disenfect for mold and the second to clean - I also had furniture so he did half of the space at a time so that we could just slide the furniture from side to side) the basement was just like new. It did have a slight vinegary smell for about a week, but it is a basement and there is not a lot of air movement. He was really reasonable too! The nice thing is that the business is also family owned and the only people who will ever come to your home is either Joe or Jeff. Also, they understand because they have families themselves.
I don't know where you live but they serve Mokena, New Lenox, Frankfort, Joliet, Plainfield, Orland park, Orland Hills, Tinley Park, Oak Forest, Lemont, Homer Glen and the Greater Cook and Will County area. Their phone number is (815) 955-1673
Thanks for your advice so far. Just to let you know, I have talked to poison control about the hazards of mold and was assured as it is just a couple spots it’s not dangerous unless she is having signs of a respiratory problem, coughing, runny nose, etc, which she is not. She was actually at her doctor for a totally different reason yesterday and she didn’t pick up on anything.
Poison control reminded me that there is mold everywhere, we can’t avoid it, and the mold that is most dangerous is the toxic mold that is behind walls and such that we can’t see. I have also visited a few different websites that instructed how to remove small spots from carpets and advised that drastic measures need to be taken only if you’re talking about a 1-10 foot are of mold (my 2-3 spots are smaller than a couple inches).
Also, as far as chemicals in cleaning products, I was told, for the most part they are safe as long as the floor is dry. Still, I will probably have my daughter take naps and sleep in a different room for a day or so just because the smell of cleaning products can be irritating.
I just wanted to let everyone know if this happens to you to look into it before you rip up your carpet or pay a ton of money for professional cleaning. We are all so concerned about the health and well being of our little ones that the smallest things can put us in a tail spin, but it’s good to get all of the information and do some research otherwise we will drive ourselves, and our kids, crazy.