Hi Ladies I am throwing a baby shower and need some fun game ideas I am clueless as we didn't play any games at my shower. Thanks!
At my shower, I remember playing a few games that were fun. 1. Bring out a tray of a bunch of baby items (pacifier, booties, diaper cream, etc) and let everyone look at it for 1 minute. Then, everyone has to write down as many objects as they can remember. Whoever gets the most, wins. 2. Put baby items inside of numbered socks (or fabric bags). Each person makes has a list and has to guess what each item is, just by feeling the object. THe one who gets the most right, wins. 3. If you know what she plans to name the baby, you can write out the baby's first, middle, and last name. Then challenge people to make as many words as possible out of the letters. The person who makes the most words wins.
Have fun!
Hi Sharon,
A friend of mine had a couple of interesting games. Oe was guess the nursery rhyme, the host reads a line or two from the rhyme, and everyone has to write down what rhyme it is. Another variation is to use descriptions of kids Tv shows Disney movies etc...
She also filled a baby bottle with Blue and Pink Jelly beans and we had to guess how many were in the bottle.
Have fun with it,
well lets see theres soo many but ill try to list ones that arent listed. you can do the cant say baby game where each guest gets a necklace (or it could be a clothes pin or whatever item that you choose) and whoever says the word baby has to hand over all the necklaces (or chosen item) who ends up with the most wins. theres the guess moms girth where guest can used toilette paper or yarn to guess how big mom is around the belly and whoever is closest without going over wins. you can play guess that baby food where guests get a small sample of an unknown baby food and have to write down the flavor who gets the most right wins. last but not least is my personal favorite the dirty diaper game! what you do is take some diapers (cheap ones will do just great) and bite size candy bars (good ones are herseys with almonds, snickers, crunch, kit kat, resses peanut butter cups, mounds, really any common candy bar) and what you do is you melt them into the diaper (like 15-30 in the microwave just until smooshy in the diaper) and the rules are that each guest has to guess what candy bar each numbered diaper has by smell only! and of course who ever gets the most right wins (might i add this game is good for snapping fun pictures!!!) i would also reccamend having some sort of a tie breaker game incase you get more then one winner! good luck!!!!
The best game I ever played was a version of the Price is right. Gather several baby items of different prices. The guest try to guess the prices without going over-whoever gets the most closest/right wins. Some of the items used at the game I participated in- baby food, pacifier, diapers, wipes, shampoo, powder, socks, diaper bag, nail clippers, diaper cream. This was the hostess' gift for the mom.
At my baby shower a bowl was filled with rice and safety pins. Only using one hand and with eyes closed, gusest try to collect the most safety pins in 30 seconds. I think there was also a baby word scramble. We did the pacifier necklace/don't say baby/name game and it was really fun.
My cousin didn't want games at her shower so we all decorated onsies of varying sizes with fabric markers. She picked her top 3 favorites and those ladies received a "prize."
If it is co-ed, I've seen a contest for guys-who can drink beer out of the baby bottle fastest.
We gave everyone a small paper plate, a toothpick and a pink or blue piece of bubbleyum gum, They had to use the gum like playdough and make a baby. the mom to be had to judge.
you can google baby shower games too- have fun!
Hi Sharon,
We played the memory game at my shower, but when I played it for my cousin's guests, they didn't care for it. I thought it was pretty fun. Of course there is the clothes pin game where you can't say a common word such as cute or baby.
I recently went to a shower and they played some feed the baby where they sat the two grandmothers one side and a blind folded person had to feed them, whoever finished first won. I thought this was too disrespectful for my mother in law. She nearly gagged twice because they fed her too fast and she hadn't swallowed yet.
I remember seeing a shower game book at the party store and as well, you can probably google baby shower games and come up with some different stuff.
If there isn't a name picked out yet, you can have everyone participate in a name. I am not sure how that can be turned into a game, but it would be nice if they chose the name you provided.
There is the yarn string or toilet paper around the belly game, where you guess the size of the mom to be's belly.
Even though I don't care for the smooshed chocolate bars in the diapers everyone seems to have a good time. They heat up a little bit of a chocolate bar and smoosh it into a diaper and everyone guesses what 4 or 5 bars are. It looks gross and everyone giggles.
I guess I am kind of a prude when it comes to these games, but you have to entertain them.
Possibly you could play a version of pregnant scattegories. That might be kind of funny.
Best of luck. Sorry I couldn't really be of help.
Hi Sharon,
We played the memory game at my shower, but when I played it for my cousin's guests, they didn't care for it. I thought it was pretty fun. Of course there is the clothes pin game where you can't say a common word such as cute or baby.
I recently went to a shower and they played some feed the baby where they sat the two grandmothers one side and a blind folded person had to feed them, whoever finished first won. I thought this was too disrespectful for my mother in law. She nearly gagged twice because they fed her too fast and she hadn't swallowed yet.
I remember seeing a shower game book at the party store and as well, you can probably google baby shower games and come up with some different stuff.
If there isn't a name picked out yet, you can have everyone participate in a name. I am not sure how that can be turned into a game, but it would be nice if they chose the name you provided.
There is the yarn string or toilet paper around the belly game, where you guess the size of the mom to be's belly.
Even though I don't care for the smooshed chocolate bars in the diapers everyone seems to have a good time. They heat up a little bit of a chocolate bar and smoosh it into a diaper and everyone guesses what 4 or 5 bars are. It looks gross and everyone giggles.
I guess I am kind of a prude when it comes to these games, but you have to entertain them.
Possibly you could play a version of pregnant scattegories. That might be kind of funny.
Best of luck. Sorry I couldn't really be of help.
One thing my mom did to me, was make me drink from a baby bottle during the shower. Whatever I wanted to drink... juice, water... it was from the bottle.
One of the games I liked best (because I love candy) was where you have 10 candy bars. You put them out for everyone to see for 10 seconds. Then you say a hint for the candy bar. The first one to guess which candy bar it was, wins the candy bar. Example: You say "How much to raise a baby?" Answer: 100 Grand. Or You say "The conception" Answer: Skor. Or You say "Breast feeding" Answer: Milky Way.
You can find this and other great games online if you do a search for baby shower games. This particular one, I did a search for candy bar baby shower game.
I'm sure the shower will be great!
Here are a couple that I did for my girlfriend's shower...
Mommie's Purse:
Have all the girls check their purse for baby/children items, and the one having the most items wins the prize.
Puzzle Race:
Hostess buys several of the wooden tray puzzles - all should have the same number of pieces. Several guests each turn the puzzles over and mix the pieces. Hostess says "Go" and guests race to see who can complete their puzzle first. The winner goes on to the next round. Continue rounds until a final winner is crowned. The guest receives a prize, and the new Mom receives the puzzles for baby's toy box.
Baby Socks Matching Game:
In the center of the room, place a pile of (separated) 10-15 pairs of baby socks (solids, patterned, and different sizes). Each guest gets 10 seconds to match them. The guest with most pairs of matching socks wins a prize. (* the more patterned socks, the harder). Also, you may want to ask each guest via their invitation to bring in a pair of baby socks to save on party costs). At the end, the mother-to-be takes home all the socks.
Also, something I did was buy the thank you cards and I had each guest address their own envelope. Throw all the addressed envelopes in a basket and do a "door prize" drawing at the end of the shower.
Enjoy the shower!
sorry about that. the 3 people who had the most would be the winners. Ok one more. Give e veryone a piece of paper and a pencil and they have to see how many names they can make out of the letters on the mommy go be's first and last name
two more games,
put the close pins in a big bowl, left over from the ones you passed out in the beginning, eacy person usese one hand to see how many close pins they can take out of the bowl with out dropping any and using one hand. The last game is you get a big bowl put uncooked rice in it, and a bunch of safety pins, then you blind fold they persons, you give them a wooden spoon and another bowl and the have one minute to transfer the rice from one bowl to the other, and who ever has the most safety pins in is the winner. I have played all these games, and they are a lot of fun, if you didn't underrstand what I said send me your e-mail address, and I will re send these. Julie
We didn't play too many games at my shower. We just did the string one where guests have to guess how wide around the mom is. A fun activity we did do was to have guests decorate onesies with fabric paint. Some people got really creative and made some really cute designs.
Have fun!
I found this to be the most helpful: have a large flower arrangement or potted plant as the centerpiece. Then have a large bowl. Next to the bowl, put the envelopes from the "thank you" notes and a pen. Everyone should fill out an envelope with her name and address and then put it into the bowl. At the end of the event, the mom-to-be draws one name out. That person gets the centerpiece. (And the mom-to-be gets all the filled-out envelopes and the blank thank you notes that go with them.)
The "poopy" diaper game always gets a lot of laughs. You melt differnt candy bars and smear them into diapers. Each guest has to smell the "poopy" and guess what kind of candy it is. The one with the most right answers wins. You can usually find cheap packs of diapers at the 99 cents or Dollar tree store.
Another fun one along the same lines, is the baby food tasting game. Take the labels off baby food jars. Each guest must taste or smell them and guess what they are. Don't forget to label the bottom of each jar with a number and make an answer sheet.
My friend had a great one at hers-- there was a timer and it was set for so many sec/s mins and when she was opening presents the timer would go off. The person she was opening the gift from got a gift. It kept everyones attention. They did it like 5 times.
Kids in the kitchen while Mommy is sleeping Game...
Tell a cute story about Mommy taking a nap and kids messing up the kitchen.
Now ask your guests to help Mommy organize the "the white stuff".
Have small plastic baggies filled with:
Baking Powder,
Baking Soda,
Baby Powder, (to throw them off)
Cream of Tartar
Powdered Milk
Baking flour for bread
Wheat flour
It's a fun guessing game!
Have fun!
The best baby shower game i played & enjoyed the most was on my friends baby shower , the game for a co-ed shower is the baby bottle chug. Put your beverage of choice into baby bottles and the men have to chug! Women could do it too of course, but it’s a bit funnier with the guys.
Another game is “change the baby”…,This game is played by pairs. Each pair stands side by side with one person using only the right hand and the other person using only the left hand. Talk about having to work together.
This is a great way to find out how well people work as a team. It can be hilarious for the couple anticipating a baby’s arrival. Dress a baby doll in a diaper, preferably with pins, bodysuit, shirt, socks, and pants-you can even have them tie shoes if you’re up to a challenge.
Hope it helps