My due date is this week and the doctor mentioned if I would like that I could be induced on my due date. I am struggling to make my decision and would appreciate fe...
I already have the date, menu and decor set. I'm just hoping to come across some things that are entertaining, but not over the top. I would love suggestions on senti...
Anyone want to share stories if your due date is near mine? My due date is June 30th. This will be my third pregnancy. I do have a bit of a concern. I already almost ...
I have heard that first babies typcially deliver later than their due date and have slower labors. I am 6 weeks from my due date and worried about working right up to...
I've decided that I need to branch out of my routinue and work at this female friendship thing but its not easy. (Can you tell I've read MWFseeking BFF by Rachel Ber...
I know the conception date is April 17th, which would make the EDD Jan 22 but we're being told it's Jan 4th... 2 weeks and 4 days before conception. Is this possible ...
I don't watch that much TV, but I have gotten totally sucked into this season of The Bachelor. I made a comment on FB that I liked Courtney and I got literally HATE m...
This is my first time pregnant. I read everywhere about women ttc and how hard it is for some. Im scared because it seems like I always read about miscarriage. Is the...