whole blood

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Blood Phobia and "The Talk"

F.S. asks from Seattle

My 9 year old daughter has a blood phobia. So much so that if she gets a scratch she nearly has a panic attack. She is terrified that she is going to bleed to death. ...


Prenatal Blood Tests

L.B. asks from New York

I am not yet pregnant however I am a little confused when you are supposed to start with the prenatal blood tests. Such as to test to see if your immunizations are up...


Blood in Vegan Infant's Stool

C.G. asks from Kansas City

I apologize for the long post, but I have been doing a lot of research and it doesn't seem like the other posts quite cover our situation so I am going into great det...


Blood in Urine- Anyone Had This?

K.S. asks from Denver

I am trying to keep myself calm, but a little overwhelmed by information right now. For probably the last 3 years, any time I've had to give a urine sample for whatev...


Blood and Mucus in Baby's Stool

J.R. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I have a seven week old who has been pretty much fussy since we brought her home from the hospital, she has had long bouts of colic, and we have tried just ...


Blood Pressure Issue During Pregnancy

L.V. asks from Dallas

Okay, Mamas, have any of you had this experience? A few times now, I've been having a normal day, and my blood pressure has suddenly dropped too LOW! I get all leth...


High Blood Pressure

J.L. asks from Denver

Hi moms! I have cronic high blood pressure that is controlled with medication. My husband and I decided a while back to try for baby #3. I vistited with my doctor an...


Pregnancy- A- Versus O+ Blood Type

F.M. asks from Chicago

My daughter in law is 6 months pregnant. She has A- blood type and my son is O+. The doctor said both blood types if mixed could be fatal. He offered a shot that she ...


How Long for Blood Work to Show I'm Having a Baby

S.F. asks from Knoxville

Can a female have sex wit guy on Aug.9th and go to doctors on Aug.28th and get blood test that say she's having a baby?


Newly Diagnosed with High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

A.G. asks from Chicago

About a week and a half ago, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on medicine for it. As a follow up, my doctor ran some medical blood work. As a result...

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