whole blood

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Results 161-170 from 12,383 articles

New Diabetic--what to Expect

M.S. asks from Dallas

My GYN took my blood sugar and it was 289. I'm going in to my main doc on Thurs for a glucose tolerance test. What can I expect as a newly diagnosed diabetic? Meds?...


My Daughter May Have Neutropenia....heard of It?

P.A. asks from Los Angeles

My 9 month old daughter's pediatrician thinks she may have a blood disease called Neutropenia. I don't know much about it, except that her white blood cell count is...


My Little Boy Has Chronic Kidney Failure!

H.K. asks from Boston

My 11yr old son has been plagued with a variety of medical issues since his birth. With him being only 2 months old, he spent pretty much his whole first year of life...


Cholesterol Check-up?

A.P. asks from New York

For my son's 5-year old well visit, the doctor does a routine blood test to check cholesterol. I wonder if this is really necessary for a 5-year old healthy boy who w...


How Common

J.L. asks from Chicago

Without going into details...I have a friend who is using poor judgement but that is a different story for a different day. Anyway she confided in my she may be preg...


Another Question About Possible Miscarriage

H.K. asks from Gainesville

last sunday I had a gush of blood, right.? well, I was in pain for about 2 days and then the pain stopped. I never rushed to the ER because it is SOOOOO far away. I d...


Question on GD

J.F. asks from Dayton

I was just told I am GD. My sugar levels have been in control my whole pregnancy. They told me after I deliver that I will need to come back in 6 weeks and get some b...


Information on Jaundice Updated

E.L. asks from Los Angeles

I am waiting to find out if my daughter will be coming home with me or staying in the hospital. She is jaundiced due to our incompatible blood types and they also sai...


Seeking Advice from Other Moms About Becoming Possibly Anemic.

M.A. asks from Miami

When I gave birth to my LO last year, I had to get a blood transfusion due to losing a lot of blood and the Dr's told me I was borderline anemic. Well, recently I ju...


My 14Mth Old Is Anemic!

L.F. asks from Dallas

At my son's 12 mth check up his blood lab came back as him being a little bit anemic. He is still breastfed and also eats a variety of solid foods. The Pediatrician...

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Answer Highlights

  • sooner than a urine test in 2 answers "... sensitive than a urine test, so it can detect pregnancy sooner than a urine test."
  • iron rich foods in 2 answers "... it (add bananas, toss it in a blender). There are also a ton of iron-rich foods ..."
  • eat red meat in 4 answers "... People will tell you to eat red meat ..."
  • whole wheat bread in 2 answers "Simple switches like whole wheat bread instead of white bread, being aware of portion ..."
  • take iron supplements in 2 answers "You seem to have all the symptoms. Do not take iron supplements until your doctor ..."