when should i start potty training my child

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Potty Training

M.M. asks from Chicago

I just started potty training my 2.5 year old daughter. We have another one due in March, which is why I was hoping to have this done before that. I'm now wondering i...


Potty Training

B.N. asks from Tampa

My daughter is 22 months old and is starting to show and interest in the potty. She wants to sit on the big toilet and sometimes she will let us hold her there and o...


Potty Training

M.C. asks from Provo

I have a 4 1/2 year old son with permanent brain damage and severe developmental delays. The special preschool he attends is recommending potty training, but how do y...


Potty Training

B.P. asks from New York

Hi Moms, I am a first time mom of a boy and have a potty training question. My son is only 17 months old and I have read that its a waste of time to try to pot...


Potty Training

J.L. asks from Chicago

I'm getting some mixed opionions on the books I have read regarding potty training. Should I use a little potty or just get the donut thing that sits on the big pott...


Potty Training

M.O. asks from San Francisco

I have a 2 year old little girl whom is going to be 3 this coming May. I am having trouble potty training her. I only have been successful 2x that she has gone in the...


Potty Training

A.G. asks from Seattle

My name is A. i am a mother to two beautiful little girls 3 months and two years old i am having a very difficult time potty training my daughter she had started usi...


Potty Training

V.P. asks from Kansas City

Everyone said that potty training a girl would be so much easier than a boy. But I'm here to tell you, my (almost) 3 year old is a stubborn one! We have tried just ...


Potty Training

T.L. asks from Rochester

Help! I'm at my witts end with Potty Training. My 2 1/2 year daughter will go poop on the potty but she won't pee. She hates pull-ups and diapers and lately only w...


Potty Training

E.E. asks from Cleveland

I am working on potty training my son who is 2 1/2 he will go potty in his diaper and then say he is wet and bring me a diaper. I am using m&m's and a sticker chart a...

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Answer Highlights

  • only had 1 accident in 2 answers "From then on out she didn't and only had 1 accident."
  • their older siblings in 2 answers "It's perfectly normal for kids to want to do what their older siblings are doing in ..."
  • started potty training in 3 answers "I think like me, you just started potty training a little later to make it less painful."
  • when shes ready in 3 answers "... the child lead in this department) to just let her do it when she's ready."
  • diapers to the landfill in 2 answers "... work with your child on PT rather than just keep sending diapers to the landfill."