when should i start potty training my child

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Potty Training

M.H. asks from Harrisburg

So lately I've been noticing that when I go to the bathroom my 15 month old daughter follows me there, and she'll go poo or pee in her diaper. Since she seems to be s...


Potty Training

J.C. asks from Santa Fe

Another question on potty training. My baby will be 8 months next week. She is crawling and cruising but not yet walking. Can I still potty train her?


Potty Training

S. asks from St. Louis

My son will be two in January... We haven't really started the whole "potty training" thing. I want to start but really have no idea where to begin. HELP! Thanks moms, S.


Potty Training

C.D. asks from Orlando

I need some advise on how to start potty training my grandson who is 3 years old. It's been a long time for me so I forget. Any advise would be helpful. My grandso...


Potty Training

M.W. asks from San Diego

We have a daughter that just turned 2 at the end of June and I was thinking about introducing her to the potty. She knows what it is but I'm not sure if she is ready...


Potty Training

C.R. asks from Louisville

My daughter is 20 months old and for the past week has started telling me that she has gone potty. Could anyone help me with a way to get her to tell me BEFORE she g...


Potty Training

M.V. asks from Grand Rapids

I am a daycare provider that attended a conference this weekend on potty training at a young age. Back in the 1960's all children were potty trained by 18 months. I...


Potty Training

B.B. asks from Houston

Hi mommies! I want to get a potty for my daughter to prepare for potty training. Is there a particular brand or type I should get? Is there one that is better than an...


Potty Training

J.B. asks from Omaha

I have a soon to be 3yr od son. I'm having trouble potty training him. He is my first child and I'm just not sure how I should go about potty training him. He know...


When to Start with Training Pants?

L.H. asks from Detroit

I won't be starting on potty training until the fall, but I'm wondering when to start with training pants? I've read that a little person should be able to pull his/h...

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Answer Highlights

  • control over their bowels in 2 answers "My older boys had perfect control over their bowels from the age of 2 months on, but ..."
  • control over those muscles in 2 answers "I don't believe that kids really have the control over those muscles that young."
  • give him lots of praise in 2 answers "set him on the potty and if he goes give him lots of praise, treats work well to."
  • elimination communication in 3 answers "I am glad to see some responses for Elimination Communication and other positive advice."
  • peed his pants in 2 answers "... big boy underwear and never let him wear a diaper again lmao he peed his pants ..."