weight loss after pregnancy

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Results 191-200 from 2,075 articles

Weight Loss After Having a Baby

B.W. asks from Columbia

I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I gave birth to my son 5 1/2 weeks ago. I lost the first 20lbs within the first 2 weeks but nothing else has co...


Weight Watchers ...

H.D. asks from Chicago

I'm having a real tough time controlling my eating habits lately. I know I need some help getting back on track and someone told me about Weight Watchers as an option...


Losing the Weight

A.C. asks from New York

I'm 33 and have a beautiful baby boy. It's my first child and I feel blessed every second of my life for him and his father who is a great husband and dad- Very helpf...


Postpartum 32Lb Weight Loss in 3 Weeks but What About the Belly Skin?

S.2. asks from Bakersfield

My weight loss was a bit drastic I lost the majority of the weight within the first week or so. My baby was 9.1 so with that plus the placenta and fluids I know how m...


Baby Weight

A.M. asks from El Paso

Is it reasonable to assume the last 5 lbs will come off when the breastfeeding stops? TIA... I'm just curious. I gained a whopping 57 while preggers (thanks to my u...


Weight Issues

D.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hello beautiful ladies are any of you bigger than your boyfriend or husband or lover, do you feel self conscious sometime when making love or are you one of those con...


Weight Loss Pills That Have Worled for Other Mamas?

J.C. asks from Hartford

I am 22 yrs. old, and ABOUT 180 lbs at 5'9". I was 144 before my son was born, and 125 about a yr. before that. I am looking to get down to at least 135 lbs. All my w...


Nursing and Weight

J.W. asks from Detroit

Does anyone else feel that they are not blessed with the "nursing burns off the babyweight" theory? I am nursing my 3rd child and with each child I lost all my babyw...


Loosing Weight

V.M. asks from New York

Hi all! I'm 28, and my husband is away until May. I've been with him since i was 16 and I miss him very much. I used to thinner(who wasen't) before I had my 4 y...


I Can't Lose Weight!

E.B. asks from Phoenix

Ok, so since I had my twins I dropped most of the weight except for those last 5-7 lbs. I've been working out for the past 6 months, about 3 times a week. I do card...

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Answer Highlights

  • muscle weighs more than fat in 2 answers "... are doing everything you could be doing...remember muscle weighs more than fat ..."
  • lose those last few pounds in 3 answers "... foremost - don't put too much pressure on yourself to lose those last few pounds."
  • except the last 5 7 pounds in 2 answers "I would lose everything while nursing except the last 5-7 pounds which did not come ..."
  • fit before your pregnancy in 2 answers "I applaud you for making the effort to be physically fit before your pregnancy, but ..."
  • last little bit of weight in 2 answers "It's taken me a little over 2 years to lose that last little bit of weight - just ..."