weight loss after pregnancy

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Weight Loss Ideas Needed for Working Mom

A.G. asks from Los Angeles

I had a beautiful daughter in December and I am completely frustrated with the weight loss. She is my second child and I am sure that has somehting to do with it but...


Seeking Weight Loss Advice

M.J. asks from Phoenix

Moms,seriously I don't know what to do. I feel somewhat depressed that I am over 20 lbs heavier than i was just one year ago. The thing is I don't understand why. I h...


Weight-loss While Breastfeeding

S.R. asks from Nashville

I have been hearing a lot lately that if you are breastfeeding your body will hold about 5 to 10 lbs of weight (fat) that you gained during pregnancy to ensure enough...


Weight Loss Suggestions

C.T. asks from Albany

I have a four month old baby girl and it seems like no matter what I have tried I can't seem to lose all the weight I gained during the pregnancy. Between being bedri...


Pregnancy and Weight Watchers

N.O. asks from Detroit

Hey guys, I'm so excited!! I found out I am pregnant. But I'm keeping it on the down low from everyone because I miscarried last time and just want to play it ...


The Dreaded Pregnancy Weight:

C.S. asks from Medford

I am not sure if this is really a question or just a thought. I read everyday questions from new moms wanting to know how to lose the baby weight or how do get into t...


Weight Loss Help

C.R. asks from Houston

I am still carrying around post-pregnancy weight, and I am ready to start my new year's resolution today! I am so tired all the time (no energy), and I just need to ...


Weight Loss and Breastfeeding

N.W. asks from Chicago

I have a five month old son named Sage who I breastfeed. I gained 40lbs with the pregnancy and I only lost 20 which was right after he was born. I thought that with...


Weight Gain in Pregnancy

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

I give up! I have done everything "right" and I am still gaining more than the expected amount. I am 27 weeks and have gained 24 lbs. I workout almost every day by...


Breastfeeding and Weight Loss??? Not Me:(

M.L. asks from Modesto

all the babies I have had were through c sections, I also breast fed them all as well the first 2 i breast fed them and formula fed them, my new baby whos 3 months ...

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