vitamins for 16 month old

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Results 91-100 from 2,192 articles

15 Month Old Has Won't Eat!

V.Z. asks from Washington DC

My little guy is 15 months old, and he won't eat! He picks at a few things here and there. I am torn between him being a picky eater, and his new teeth coming in. I t...


18 Month Old Will Not Eat Meat!

M.O. asks from Buffalo

My 18th month old daughter will not eat meat. I'm not sure what to do...I try "sneaking" it in her food but she always seems to eat everything but the meat. She love...


15 Month Old Does Not Want to Drink Milk

D. asks from San Antonio

My 15 month old grandson just stopped breastfeeding and now will not drink milk of any kind. I am concerned he is not getting the calcium etc. he needs. Does anyone h...


18 Month Old Who Loves to Nurse

T.T. asks from Champaign

I have a 18 month old boy who loves loves loves to nurse. During the day (3xs) and of course all night. My husband and I are ready to wean him from nurseing and our f...


Givng My 10 Month Old Whole Milk.

B.D. asks from Minneapolis

I was wondering if i am able to start giving my 10 month old son whole milk to try and wean him off formula and his bottle? I was thinking i could do half and half. H...


17 Month Old Waking Up

M.B. asks from Kansas City

Ugh, it's 4:00am and I am at my wit's end. My 17 month has always been a great sleeper, but the past two months we have developed some bad habits we're having troubl...


13 Month Old Daughter Is a Tantrum Nightmare!

A.U. asks from Detroit

My 13 month old daughter has turned into a screaming, whining, tantrum throwing devil ! omg! She was never an easy baby, but she has had a spell where shes been pre...


12 Month Old Measuring Small

S.S. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I recently took my 12 month old to her well check up and she has lost weight! She's only 18.5 lbs. - down from 18.12 at 10 months. The Dr. is concerned, eve...


7 Month Old and Solid Food

A.D. asks from Minneapolis

My son is a litle over 7 months old and has been eating cereals/fruits & veggies since around 3 month. He has had a very bad spitting up problem. Medication has helpe...


5 Month Old and Acid Reflux

Y.W. asks from Orlando

So here is the scenario: I have a 5 month old. She's been mostly feed on expressed breastmilk (supplement with lactofree formula) and at her 4 month check up the Ped...

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Answer Highlights

  • calcium from other sources in 3 answers "Also... he may be able to get plenty of calcium from other sources, like dark green ..."
  • carnation instant breakfast in 2 answers "... case senario a LITTLE bit of chocolate ovaltine or carnation instant breakfast ..."
  • sound like acid reflux in 2 answers "That doesnt sound like acid reflux to me at all."
  • fortified with calcium in 4 answers "Many juices are fortified with calcium these days, and they make calcium chews as ..."
  • had acid reflux in 4 answers "Both of my kids had acid reflux which they both grew out of, but they also threw up ..."