A., I have a very close friend with a 6 month old that had the same problems. She gives her baby ulimate aloe juice. Since the baby has been on it she has had no problems. She just gives her daughter 1oz a day in a bottle.
Studies have suggested that aloe, when consumed orally, imparts a wealth of health benefits, including aiding digestion and supporting the immune system. Ultimate Aloe® Juice is a rejuvenating tonic made from 100 percent aloe vera, 50 percent aloe concentrated powder, more than 200 nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, including 13 of the 17 essential minerals needed for good nutrition. Supports a healthy digestive tract and promotes regularity within the bowel.
If you would like to know more about this go to www.marketamerica.com/pamrorman or send me a meesage.