typical diet for a 6 month old

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Fear of Eating Foods That Were Once Alive in 6 Year Old

D.N. asks from Chicago

My son has always been picky at dinner time. I have always offered fruits, vegetables, carbs and proteins which he eats just fine except for protein. He will eat sa...


9-Month-old Eating Only Table Food

J.M. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 9-month-old daughter who no longer wants to eat her baby food. It is a struggle to get her to eat even 2 tbsp. of baby cereal. All she wants to do is feed ...


Fussy Time, and Getting 5 Month Old to Sleep in Crib

A.S. asks from Albany

I have a few questions... 1. I have an almost 5 month old and we are still dealing with the fussy time at night. Sometimes it can be 4-8, of fussyness, or an hour or...


3 Month Old Is Back to Waking up Every Two Hours

J.J. asks from Sacramento

My 3 month old was sleeping 4-6 hours a night and now is back to waking up every two hours and wanting to eat. Currently he is just being breastfed even when getting ...


Sleep Issues - 4 Month Old

M.C. asks from Chicago

My daughter started sleeping through the night (usually from about 8 pm to 6am) at around 8 weeks when we started using the miracle blanket. For the past 1.5-2 weeks ...


Please..................need Help with a 4 Year Old and 8 Month Old

S.P. asks from Roanoke

Hello, Please someone help me with some advice on discipline! My 4 year old has gotten to the point to where he doesn't want to listen to anything we tell him to d...


Need Help with 4 Month Old Who Will Not Eat More than 3 Ounces During a Feeding

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

First, some background: She has a calm cheerful temperment. Goes down for naps without a problem. We put her on Similac Sensitive formula (lactose-free) when she w...


Can't Get 10 1/2 Month Old to Eat.

B.R. asks from Hartford

My 10 1/2 month old is 19lbs. and 14oz. she was 19lbs. and 3 oz. at her 9 month well visit. I am giving her avacado, bananas, mandarin oranges, lil crunchies from ger...


Dairy Free 9 Month Old and Eating

J.M. asks from New York

Hello Moms. My question is regarding my son. He is 9 1/2 months old and is breastfed. He has dairy allergies, and also has reflux. I have slowly introduced baby food...


5 Month Old Only Weighs 10Lbs, 13 Oz Updated

C.A. asks from Fort Smith

my little girl just had her 4 month check up today(will be 5 months this week) and she weighed in at 10lbs, 13 oz. At her 2 month check up she had been just over 11 p...

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