Please read this, about food pickiness in kids:
I have a picky eating son. Ever since he was 6 months old and on solids.
He is 4 almost 5 now... and NATURALLY, he has, expanded his palate.
We NEVER force him to eat or make him eat or use rewards or punishments.
He is a Grazer... and he eats according to his body's needs. In other words, he eats if he is full, or hungry.
As it should be.
That is the healthy way to eat.
My son does not eat, for emotional reasons... ie: boredom or to please people.
I am not a short order cook, nor do I make separate meals for him. I know, that whatever I cook, there will be something that he will eat.
He does not starve.
I also know, he is healthy, because I do not have 'junk' in the house nor feed that to him. So whatever he does eat or craves, I know it is healthy. I do not have to, 'censor' what he eats.
He is healthy, strong, and grows like a weed and is always in the upper 97+ percentiles for growth and is developmentally ahead in many areas.
We do not worry, about his "picky" eating.
He is, well adjusted, overall.
Now for myself as a child: I did not like eating meat... because it gave me a migraine. Because, of the preservatives in it. Now, the ONLY meat I could eat, and liked, was Steak. My parents knew that, so they often got me steak. They knew... me and what foods, suited my system.
I grew out of it, and by the time I was older, I could eat practically anything. But I was also one, that naturally... veered toward fruits and vegetables. My parents... were GLAD. They never forced me to be a different kind of eater.
My sibling on the other hand, would only eat, junk, food. To my parents, frustration.
I also, do not 'expect'... my son, to eat JUST like me.
He is, himself. Not me.
He eats, if hungry or full.
That is, the most healthy and well balanced.