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C.Z. asks from Omaha

So I have not been home to watch the olymics since they started. Could anyone update me on what is going on? What events have been played? Any interesting news this y...



E.B. asks from Seattle

I am watching the MSNBC ''Special'' right now. It is pretty much the news coverage that happened in real time during 9/11 on the Today show. I have been watching ...


Another Scary Moment

J.K. asks from Kansas City

Hopefully it's OK for me to jump on the "scary moment" question thing. I know I have to ask a question, so I'll ask, do you ever let your kids play in the snow? ...



S.R. asks from Kansas City

I have been following this Ebola story ever since it became huge news that they sent two doctors and one missionary to get treatment here in the US after being in W A...


What Do You Think of the Pokemon Go Craze?

C.T. asks from Santa Fe

I have read several news articles on it and it seems like everyone thinks the people playing Pokemon Go are a bunch of idiots. I think all these are articles are way ...


Swine Flu

N.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I'm really concerned about this swine flu going around. It's making me so nervous I'm even considering taking my daughter out of school and homeschooling ...


Telling Others About Our Child

J.K. asks from Philadelphia

My baby is now a little over a month and I am wondering how I go about telling all of our friends about his Down Syndrome diagnosis. We had no testing done before hi...


Surgery for Prolapsed Uterus? Anyone Had It Done?

J.C. asks from Lewiston

I had my biological daughter almost 6 years ago and left the delivery with a prolapsed uterus...which basically means it has dropped! After seeing several doctors, t...


Concerned over Friends Choice

A.L. asks from Chicago

A woman who's kids I watch is having her fourth c-section soon. Her baby is not due until the second week of February. Her doctor planned her c-section the week pri...

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