Olympics - Manning,IA

Updated on July 31, 2012
C.Z. asks from Manning, IA
4 answers

So I have not been home to watch the olymics since they started. Could anyone update me on what is going on? What events have been played? Any interesting news this year?


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answers from Albany on


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answers from San Francisco on

I have had it on every moment I am home. The synchronized diving is the most amazing thing I have watched so far, and it was interesting to see Michael Phelps mess up originally but then come back yesterday. I believe he swims tonight. Ryan Lochte beat Phelps initially, but then hasn't performed as well since. One of the starring female gymnasts didn't make it into the all around. (Don't remember her name.)

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answers from Sacramento on

I haven't been glued to the TV but so far I've seen biking, swimming, diving, volleyball, some gymnastics, and some canoeing.

Still waiting for track & field and equestrian events.



answers from Washington DC on

probably the most interesting/controversial would be the gymnastics events.

The current world champion for women's gymnastics DID NOT qualify for the all around because you can't have more than two from any country in it (new rule) and she was third for our team (not sure of her overall placement, but top 24 for sure).

In the men's TEAM final GB had originally had the silver BUT Japan protested the last pommel horse score. It had originally knocked them down to 4th place with Great Britain getting the Silver and Ukraine getting the Bronze. China got the gold by a huge margin so no issue there. Japan won the protest ... had the score increased ... and won the silver, with Great Britain being knocked down to bronze and Ukraine being out of it.

That's it so far ... but we're only in day 4 :)

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