timing contraction

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Results 51-60 from 88 articles

2Nd Labor Experience?

J.M. asks from Boston

I am due in 6 weeks and curious what other mamas second labor was like. I realize everyone's experiences are very different but I'd love any tips. I have a 3 year old...


This May Be a Silly Question

A.G. asks from Houston

I have reached my due date, I did not think i would actually make it, i'm quite ready to have this baby!, he/she is big enough, and so am i!, What can i do to go into...


Stressing over Possible Induction

L.L. asks from Seattle

I am about 1.5 weeks overdue with my second child. (Dating the pregnancy from both my last menstral cycle and the ultrasound dating agree, so I am pretty sure this is...


Did You Deliver MUCH Faster W/ Your 3Rd Child?

J.L. asks from Pittsburgh

I'm around 38 weeks with my 3rd child and am 3 cm dilated. Yesterday when I went to see the doctor she really urged me to schedule an inducement because 1.) for pract...


What Should I Do?

A.W. asks from Iowa City

I have had 3 preterm deliveries (1- 35.5 weeks and 2- 36.5 weeks). With my last one, my blood pressure started to rise. When I delivered him my bp was 240 over someth...


Pregnancy over 35?

A.M. asks from Houston

Hi, my question is....I turned 35 this past October so I am 35 and 3 months. I have heard it becomes more difficult to get pregnant over 35. If it happens, this will ...


Trying Natural Birth with Doubting Hubby

E.M. asks from New York

Hello! I am expecting my second baby on August 9th. I would really like to forego an epidural. I had one with my daughter and it was a decent experience, but I rea...


What Did You Learn?

M.C. asks from Seattle

I am curious what it was in your childbirth preparation classes that you liked the best and what you actually used from class to help you in labor. (Feel free to put...


Delivery Without an Epidural....

A.K. asks from Dallas

so i have decided not to get an epidural when i do go into labor. i have slighty bad scoliosis where my spine is both curved and twisted. so i dont want to risk being...



H.W. asks from San Francisco

So I am almost at 41 weeks, and having a healthy pregnancy but am just ready to do this already! I have tried most if the self-induction tricks, and NOTHING! My 41 w...

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