three year old height and weight

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Results 81-90 from 1,707 articles

How Did You Lose Weight After Baby?

A.S. asks from San Diego

Hello moms, I was wondering what you moms did to lose the weight after your child was born? My son is now six months old and I have now officially recovered from my...


6 Month Old Not Gaining Enough Weight

B.K. asks from Tucson

I just took my 6 month old in for his check up and he has only gained 10 oz in 2 months which puts him in the 10% vs his 26%. He seems fine but the doctor has now put...


How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

T.R. asks from Kalamazoo

I need help on how to lose weight while breastfeeding. I seemed to have hit a brick wall. The thing is that I am ALWAYS hungry! After I eat a HUGE meal (about 30 m...


12 Month Old Didn't Gain Enough Weight

J.P. asks from Dallas

I just brought my 12 month old baby girl for her well visit and she only gained 1 oz from her 9 month check up to her 12 month check up (15.9 - 16.0). She is extreme...


My 5-Month Old Is in the 90Th Percentile for weight...should I Be Concerned?

N.A. asks from Denver

My second child was born 10 days early weighing 6lb 12oz. The first 4 months were rough...she had rsv at 4wks, acid reflux which continues, and was quite fussy. I b...


NEED To Lose Weight

T.C. asks from Detroit

Hello AGAIN! I am sure everyone is tired of all my requests ... but I REALLY do find GREAT KIND advice from a lot of the time here. Here it goes. I am trying t...


LA Weight Loss

J.D. asks from Portland

I was just wondering if anyone has tried the LA Weight Loss program. If you have, did it work, how expensive was it, and did you have to take supplements? My daughter...


My Baby Isn't Gaining Weight

A.D. asks from Las Vegas

My 10 month old son hasn't gained any weight in over a month. Could there be something wrong with him or is he just too active. He eats Cereal with fruit every mornin...


How to Talk to Daughter About Weight?

L.T. asks from Houston

Hi! My daughter will be nine next month and she has developed a little "potbelly"--actually not so little and I'm not sure how to address it without making her self ...


Looking for Tips to Help My 1 Year Old Son Gain More Weight

A.D. asks from Washington DC

This week my 1 year old son had his 12 month check up. I was shocked that he only weighed 17 lb 4 oz. The Dr. was happy with all of his progress and says he is fine a...

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