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Should a nine and a half month old baby wear shoes?

L.H. asks from Des Moines

Sorry if this is a silly question, but what type of shoe should a baby wear? I have a 9 1/2 month old that pulls himself to standing and is starting to take steps wi...


Best Friend Just Lost Her Premature Baby :( What Can I Do for Them??

A.A. asks from New York

Hello, a very good friend of mine was trying to get pregnant for 3 years. After experiencing a miscarriage last year she got pregnant again. Unfortunately she got pr...


Baby Blues

C.J. asks from Stockton

After my daughter was born I fell into a server case of baby blues and I'm am doing my best to stay clear of them this time but I feel as though I am failing. I'm not...


Baby Proofing

X.M. asks from St. Louis

Hey! Just wanted to know if you ladies have any suggestions on what to do or not to do when I'm trying to baby proof my home. My son is starting to crawl so I need ad...


Entertaining Baby

K.S. asks from Dallas

Another question. My baby is 4 weeks old. I am breastfeeding, and I feed her every 2 hours. Is that ok? That is when she is hungry. Doctor says so. Also after I feed ...


What Is the Best Site to Use for Digital Scrapbooking?

S.M. asks from Washington DC

What is the best site to use for digital scrapbooking? I want to put together some scrapbook pages for my daughters, and I have been very slow to do it. I thought...


Pregnancy Books for Toddlers/ Older Sibs- Any Suggestions?

D.C. asks from Portland

My son will be 2 1/2 when his little brother arrives in January. We are talking about the baby in Mommy's belly and I bought him a baby doll which he is very sweet w...


Sign Language Books or Books on How to Communicate Better with My 1 Year Old??

S.B. asks from Springfield

Hello Ladies I have a 1 year old who is learning how to talk with his mouth and he says some words like no, up, num num for food or what, or woof woof for dog every...


Best Potty Chair and Training Advice for Boys

K.J. asks from Louisville

I was wondering if anyone had any toilet training advice for boys. I was also wondering about the best potty chairs for little boys. My husband is wanting to get him ...


What to Buy Baby

J.G. asks from Chicago

I saved some of our baby toys, and for Xmas, I'm having people wrap the toys for gifts, but I'd like to buy a few new things for baby. I had to throw out the old baby...

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