Buckle baby in a bouncer and move her from room to room with you as you do your housework or other chores and *talk* to her. They respond so quickly to the sounds of their parents' voices. Not the baby-talk, but total conversation...explaining to her what you are doing and why. Believe me, it will help increase her vocabulary, awareness, insight, and conversation skills as she grows and develops. It's so easy to tell which children, in my groups, have been included in their parents' conversations as they go about their day. The ones who haven't been treated as little dolls. They smile more and are so anxious to use their own voices. Their personalities will shine early!
Begin simple sign language with her as soon as she's able to sit up in a booster to have snacks.
Sing to her. Make sure she has music throughout the day....most of it with yours and daddy's voices. In my daycare, we sing about everything around us. (When I've worked with autistic children, I've found that music is the key to communicating with them.)
Communication is the key to keeping her entertained during the early weeks and months. Most of all, enjoy her.
Good luck and God bless....