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Results 141-150 from 252 articles

Reading System for Preschooler

A.N. asks from Cleveland

My 4-year-old daughter wants to learn how to read. She knows her letters, but still needs work on the sounds they make. I've heard about reading systems like Hooked o...


Am I in for a Rude Awakening?

M.. asks from Detroit

My daughter is 6, soon to be 7 (crazy!) and in 1st grade. Her and I butt heads from time to time at home, she can get kind of mouthy and sassy, talk back, and figh...


Discouraging "Class Clown" Behavior?

S.K. asks from Dallas

My son is 5, just starting Kindergarten. This past summer there was a boy in a camp he did who was a "bad influence" on him, if such a thing can really be said abo...


Seriously Need Advice, Babys Father Moving Away

F.L. asks from New York

Hello, I really need advice! My child is 22months. Myself and his father have been split up for 8months, he has decided to move to Nottingham as he is fed up with thi...


8 Year Old Doesn't Want to Read!

C.D. asks from New York

My 8 year old son does not like to read. He reads for school papers b/c he has to, but has no interest in it all otherwise. I have tried incentives, bribery (I know.....


Middle Sch Homework Probs - How to Teach Organization?

A.B. asks from Charlotte

I've been reading other posts about homework probs ...


The R Word

F.H. asks from Phoenix

Since this has came up a few time in either my comments or questions (last questions I asked), I thought I should clarify something. "Retarded" is an actual medical ...


Teaching My Baby Sign Language

M.K. asks from Buffalo

I am looking for some feedback from other moms about teaching their kids sign language. My daughter is almost 8 months. She has Down's and has been diagnosed with ex...


When Someone Asks You If You Had a Natural You Think...

J.S. asks from Philadelphia

that they want to know if the baby came out of the birth canal or that you had an unmedicated birth? I have always been of the opinion that when someone asks me if...


Teaching 21 Month Old Sign Language

D.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms! I was wondering if anyone has experience with teaching your little ones Sign Language and if so, what process did you use. Over the past few months, I have...

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