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Results 121-130 from 252 articles

Two Year Old Dropping the "F" Bomb.

M.A. asks from Yuba City

I have a 2 year old son that has learned to use the "F" word in all contexts. His dad and I don't use the word, he has picked it up from older cousins in the family t...


Child Not Sleeping in Room All the Sudden

K.M. asks from Philadelphia

I have tried the super nanny routine and nothing seems to work. She screams and cries and will not even stay in her bed for a minute. This is not juset one night. I a...


JFF- YIKES!! Change the Station!

R.J. asks from Seattle

Okay... lets start the sexually explicit song list. Love the song, hate the song... those songs you just do NOT want your elementary schooler bursting into song with ...


18 Vs 21 vs 20 plus as an Adult?

C.W. asks from Lynchburg

Hi all you parents- I have some concerns...based on both experience...and some literature/research (and a recent post regarding an 18 year old 'young adult') WH...


Mother In-law Question

J.A. asks from Hartford

My mother in-law and I haven't been on great terms since the birth of our first child 6 yrs ago. She was so excited and so focused about being a grandparent for the ...


Mom Vs. Teacher Role, How Do I Handle???

C.W. asks from Chicago

Hi ladies n gents. I am a mom to a second grade boy and I teach second grade. Why do I feel soo uncomfortable around my son's teacher?! I am FOREVER wondering what ...


Do Intense Dreams Mean Something? I Can't Shake Them.

J.P. asks from Los Angeles

Over the past two weeks, I've been having these nightmares about my husband and children dying. It has been a different person in each dream, but in each of them I am...


Would This Bother You? How Would You Feel?

M.H. asks from Madison

So there is an older, married guy who has been married many years. He is walking close by to a woman who is 20+ years younger than him - she is also married. The guy ...


Chick-fil-a Controversy... What Other Companies?

J.M. asks from Chattanooga

The post yesterday got a lot of mixed answers... several mothers pointed out that several companies also have controversial stances, yet aren't boycotted. Of cours...


Aggressive Two Year Old

A.L. asks from Cleveland

I have a two and half year old boy that has really bad temper. when he get mad or doesn't get his way he will start to throw thing, hit, and sometimes if i try to ign...

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  • by george michael in 2 answers "I Want Your Sex" by George Michael."
  • stick to your guns in 2 answers "Be super nice to her, but also stick to your guns - like if she wants to give the ..."
  • sauce on his tongue in 2 answers "... little and he would misbehave I would put a little tabasco sauce on his tongue."
  • tabasco sauce in 2 answers "son was little and he would misbehave I would put a little tabasco sauce on his tongue."
  • gay rights in 3 answers "Now if you are going to boycot in the name of gay rights, then boycott anything connected ..."