swelling hands

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Results 271-280 from 968 articles

Swollen Nipplle

C.T. asks from Lexington

This morning I changed LO's clothes, I noticed some redness around her nipple. I figured it was just irritated from her sleeper from the night before. So I took her t...


Teething Solutions

T.T. asks from Detroit

My 17 month old has taken a long time to cut teeth. She has two front bottom and 3 front top. She has just now started to cut molars and it seems that at lease 4 ar...


Need a Dentist & Oral Surgeon

N.L. asks from Tampa

My husband and I are looking for a great dental office and/or oral surgeons office (I know I need my wisdom teeth out) Any recommendations in the one of the followin...


Hurt Arm/ Not Broken/ Noone Knows What to Do

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

Ok a week ago my daughter(6) was rollerskating with her Brownie Troop. Fell and hurt her arm. Was ok til nighttime and was moaning and crying in her sleep. Called our...



J.C. asks from San Diego

I would like to know if any moms have experience with shingles. What are some things I could do to feel better without taking oral medications, as I am allergic to them?


Allergic Reaction?

A.S. asks from Dallas

So my daughter, who is almost four, climbed out of the shower and when I toweled her off she was complaining that her legs were burning. She was only in the shower a...



J.L. asks from Dallas

My 15 month old sucks his thumb only when he's putting himself to sleep in his bed at night. After he falls asleep he pulls it out. (all of that to say he doesn't su...


Baby Finger + Refrigerator Door

D.B. asks from Fargo

I just shut the refrigerator door with my 10 month old babes finger it. It seems to be just the pink...I iced it right away. It's swollen and reed underneath. I'm...


My Feet During Pregnancy

A.G. asks from Fresno

is it a symptom of pregnancy to have itchy feet and ankles?? ill be 32 wks on monday and my feet and ankles started to itch yesterday continuing to today. they are no...


Pediatric Dermatologists

L.L. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have any good recommendations for a Pediatric Dermatologist? My 2 year old has a congenital pigminted mole (congenital nevi) that due to its future cance...

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Answer Highlights

  • all natural teething in 2 answers "They are bound to have all natural teething remedies there."
  • sign of preeclampsia in 2 answers "My friend has that too and was told it's a warning sign of preeclampsia."
  • drove me nuts in 2 answers "... had a rash) for the last couple of months of my pregnancy. Drove me NUTS ..."
  • hylands teething in 2 answers "I found for us with our little one that hylands teething tablets worked great!! I ..."
  • teething tablets in 2 answers "I found for us with our little one that hylands teething tablets worked great!! I ..."