swelling hands

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Results 191-200 from 968 articles

Teething and Cough/runny Nose?

L.C. asks from Chicago

I think my 2 year old is teething because he is miserable with a runny nose and this morning he has been coughing. Could it be from swallowing mucus from teething? ...


Need to Find Yoga in North Central Austin--too Much Back Pain!!!

V.Y. asks from Austin

Hi Ladies, I am 6 months pregnant with my second child. This pregnancy has been completely different than my first in that I have lower and mid back pain and swollen...


Allergy Actions

S.H. asks from Buffalo

Hi Moms. My 18 month old was just diagnosed with peanut and tree nut allergies. Yes, I know, he shouldn't have had either at his young age. His pediatrician said i...


Can Teething Be This Bad????

D.S. asks from Phoenix

Oh I can't thank each of you enough for all your wise words and knowledge. I printed each response so my husband could read them when he got home and we went shoppin...


Help - Can't Use My Left Hand/Arm

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

Quick Recap - In August my cow trapped my wrist between herself and a metal pole. I didn't see a Dr for it, figured it would heal on it's own. It didn't. In late Nove...


Night Terrors!

J.M. asks from Spokane

My 6yr. old (turning 7 the end of the month) has been having what the doctor described as "Night Terrors". He did not give me a way to help her, only that they usual...


Help with Son's Itchy Skin!

C.W. asks from Detroit

Hi! This is my first request on Mamasource. Both of my children have eczema (all over their bodies, but worse on their hands and feet). We have prescription steroi...


Experiene with Toxoplasmosis?

A.S. asks from Dallas

Have you had any experience with toxoplasmosis, especially in young children? If so, tell me if you think this sounds like it. I've already looked up all the signs ...


My Son's WALKING... with a Broken Knee.

R.D. asks from Richmond

I'm exhausted from this; can't wait to see the ortho doc Monday!! So now my 19 month old is WALKING with the leg splint on. He gets his cast Monday. I was kind of ...


Has Anyone Ever Felt This Way, These Symptoms Are So Strange

L.B. asks from New York

Has anyone experienced these symptoms?, What do you think, I have been to several doctors and my lab work and test results always come back negative for anything. I ...

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Answer Highlights

  • administer the epi pen in 3 answers "... I was told by our pharmacist was that if you ever need to administer the epi-pen ..."
  • like hylands teething tablets in 2 answers "I really like Hyland's Teething tablets (you can get them at Walmart) they aren't ..."
  • epi pen and benadryl in 2 answers "I keep it with our epi-pen and benadryl."
  • given the epi pen in 2 answers "... one body system reacts, it is anaphylaxis and he would have given the epi-pen."
  • lose the use of your arm in 2 answers "... a chiro, and now its specialist time, or permanently lose the use of your arm."