swelling hands

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Results 171-180 from 968 articles

Muscle Soreness in Legs and Arms During Pregnancy

S.B. asks from San Francisco

I’m wondering if any one else has experienced extreme muscle soreness during pregnancy. I’m 23 weeks along with my second baby and last Friday I woke feeling lik...


Swollen Hand from IV

M.M. asks from Norfolk

My two year old was in the hospital for dehydration and receiving fluids through an IV in her hand. Somehow the IV came out of its place and the fluid went into my d...


Splinter More Serious than a 7Ft Fall?!

D.S. asks from Chicago

My boy fell from a 7ft height playground equipment (thru the opening near the pole that you slide down). This happened at recess at his school. My concern is that t...


Peanut Allergies.....Sometimes???

C.J. asks from Dallas

Here's the scoop.... My 18 month old broke out into hives, his eyes became swollen and his nose began running profusely after snacking on a small piece of a graham...


Should I Worry??

S.B. asks from Dallas

My 14 month old son was outside for a little while the other day playing with his older sister. My husband was outside mowing the yard. I ran inside for not even 2 ...


7 Month Old Son Has Odd Hives/rash/swelling for 2-3 Hours Then Goes Away

K.M. asks from Grand Rapids

I would love it if any moms could help me out with this crazy skin reaction. At 3 months my son woke up in the middle of the night for a feeding. I noticed that on t...


Seeking Information About Blood Clots

M. asks from Cincinnati

I am trying to gather information about blood clots. I have something called Factor V Leiden which means my blood is "thicker" then normal and I clot very quickly. ...


Allergic Reaction to Wasp Sting HELP!!

E.M. asks from Louisville

I got stung by a wasp monday morning and it hurt all day. I did the tabacco tric and it helped a bit but not enought. the next day i woke up and my arm looked like it...


Waxing ouch!!!!:P

M.T. asks from Washington DC

hi guys,every time i wax it hurts soo bad specialy my bikiny line and some times i skip the waxing part and shave my legs and hands but i want to stop this habbit cuz...


Hives...please Help!

L.S. asks from Los Angeles

My 17 month old woke up with hives yesterday morning. We were up all night because my husband was freaked out that she would end up with a breathing problem. At this ...

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