Should I Worry?? - Waxahachie,TX

Updated on October 26, 2010
S.B. asks from Waxahachie, TX
11 answers

My 14 month old son was outside for a little while the other day playing with his older sister. My husband was outside mowing the yard. I ran inside for not even 2 minutes came right back out and looked down at my son who was standing on the sidewalk with fire ants all over his feet and traveling up his legs. I quickly brushed them off, yelled at my husband and we took him inside and put him some ice cold water to help bring the swelling down. During this whole time even when the ants were biting him he never once cried at all. It's like none of it bothered him. If I hadn't looked down at him, I wouldn't have known anything was wrong. Two days later he still isn't bothered by the bites. I know he feels pain because I've seen him cry out when he's pinched his fingers in a cabinet or something. I was wondering is this normal or should I be worried about the lack of crying or any other signs of discomfort? His poor little feet have bites all over them. I've been keeping an eye on him for fever or any thing else and so far all is well. My husband says it's kind of scary that he didn't react. So is it anything I should be concerned about? Thanks.

Oh, good point made by one of the replies, he does feel pain in his feet. A toy had fallen on his foot once and he cried out in pain so yes he does feel pain in his feet. He may just have a high tolerance but I just wondered if there was reason for concern. Thanks again!

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answers from Philadelphia on

Ouch, I have had some on my foot when on vacation and I didn't realize that is what they are and I jumped back becasue they are punchy when they bite. It may not have bothered him much. If you know he feels pain I wouldn't worry.

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answers from Bakersfield on

As with many insect bites if you arent allergic to them you never even realize you've been bitten. Children often times are so "caught up and concentrating" on what they are doing that they dont notice things like ants crawling on them. If the bites didnt hurt while he was getting them chances are they will begin itching a little later. Remember you are talking about a kid that can probably walk around with poop in his diaper for a long while without that disturbing him either!

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answers from San Antonio on

Try calling your pediatrician or at least a nurses' help line. He might just not be as sensitive as other people. I'm allergic to fire ants so I get hives on top of the bites. I wouldn't worry though if he's not crying I would be thankful he's not in pain!

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answers from Stationed Overseas on

I think that checking with a doctor is your best answer. There are many different reasons your son might not be bothered but informing his peditrician would allow for an analysis that could rule out a more serious problem.
This is NOT to scare you. This is only for an example of what your sons doctor might check for and would be a worst case scenario (from wiki answers). Remember to stay calm as there may be nothing wrong. I hope this helps and I truly pray that everything turns out ok with your son.
***The CATEGORY of disorders which this falls under is HSAN - which stands for Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy.

There are a variety of disorders which fall under this category and all cause pain insensitivity (not feeling pain). Most of them have multiple names, which can get confusing but all have very different clinical symptoms ... and there is genetic testing available for some but not all.

The most well known are Familial Dysautonomia (HSAN type III or Riley Day Syndrome) and CIPA (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhydrosis) .. however there are also types I, II and V as well as Congenital Autonomic Dysautonomia and Progressive Panneuropathy. There are varying degrees of severity as far as pain insensitivity, as well as varying degrees of autonomic dysfunction with all of these disorders. ***

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answers from Buffalo on

You say he feels pain when he pinches his fingers, but what about his feet. Does he cry when he stubs his toes, steps on a sharp toy? He might just have a high tolerance for pain. But if you are worried ask your pediatrician.

Good Luck.

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answers from New York on

If you are going to the dr. take him while the bites are still there. I say this because my son was the same way (except with his hand) and when I would tell the Dr. he hurt his hand and didn't react they would always say "nothing there now" as if I was making it up. What finally made them listen was him laying his hand on the hearth at the baby sitters house and burning his fingers. He never even took them away or cried she smelled the skin burning and realized he had gotten too close to the fire. Turned out he had a problem with his ulnar nerve which was easily fixed with a minor surgery. Now he has full use of his hand and feeling in his fingers. It could be nothing (especially if this is the only time you noticed it) or it could be something. Trust your gut and do what feels right to you. Good luck!

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answers from New York on

Maybe he just has a high tollerance for pain? I don't mind needles and if I'm stung by a wasp or bee, yes it hurts, but I can handle it (after cursing a little).

As long as you feel that his extremities all have feeling, then I think you're fine.


answers from Dallas on

The other day, a mosquito got into my daughter's room while she was sleeping and bit her 23 times all over her back, legs, and arms. I was horrified to discover them! She never once complained about them. At all. Never. I was confused. But, she's 3 and can tell me if it hurts or itches and she didn't, so I guess maybe bug bites just don't affect some kids as bad as others.



answers from Topeka on

Well good question...I hope you find out he has a high pain tolerance...This is what I did to myself I was under lot's of stress a few yrs back I was lossing feelings like MS symptoms so I did the needle pricking test the soles of my feet on top all over did this with my hands & arms still I should of been crying but I had no feeling I was numb..
Maybe if you can get a clean sewing needle & gently prick the feet all over not letting him know & see what his reaction is if he cries or is sayign it hurts great but if not call the Dr..Yes I did go for testing to a pain Dr they did this test well kinda the pins were on a rolling instrument & definently was lossing feeling due to untreated back issues...



answers from New York on

He may just have a high tolerance for pain. As long as you know he has feeling in his feet, I wouldn't worry about it. I would add it to the list of questions for his next well-child visit, just to be sure.



answers from Dallas on

My daughter was about 2.5 when she first met an ant pile in the grass where we were parked that was kind of underground that we could not see until she stepped on it. She did not cry but she did jump back in the car and I could not figure out why. Once I saw her, and realized what was going on, I poured cold water all over her feet. She did swell up but she really did not see phased. I just think they don't know what it is and don't have prior experience to alarm them that something is wrong.....I don't know it is interesting though.

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