My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
Ok my subject is just what I need. My baby will nap great during the day. and my baby sleeps great at night (6-8 stretch, wakes only to feed and she is off for anothe...
My son is 3 1/2 months old. During the days he hasn't ever liked to sleep in his crib and I've managed to either make due with holding him or by putting him in his s...
I have a 3 month old who I know can sleep through the night. The problem is when he wakes up during the night, to soothe himself he rubs the sides of his head. This w...
My daughter just turned three months old. She has slept in a kiddopotamus swaddle blanket from the day she was born - even during naps. I am lucky that she's been sle...
This is our second son and he is giving us a run for our money. He doesn't sleep well...harldy at all when he does...and cries all the time. Every night he cries for ...
I think I may have a unique problem that is a combination of breastfeeding, swaddling, sleep, and sanity...
My 5 month old daughter Isabella was never a great sle...
I am a first time mom of a 7 week old little girl. I may be in trouble with developing bad sleeping habits with her. I had a c-section and I am breastfeeding on deman...
My almost 4 month old daughter is rolling pretty well now, both ways, for aprx a month now. She will be 4 months as of the 21st of this month. Well, currently I'm s...
I bought the Secrets of the Baby Whisperer book in attempt to get my newborn on a better sleep/eat schedule. However, none of her tricks seem to work for my baby. H...