store display

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Mini Cupcakes and a Recipe for Good Frosting

T.D. asks from Chicago

Hello, I have been asked to be in charge of baking cupcakes for my niece's 1st birthday party. I am not very good at baking. I want to make these as cute as possib...


What Do I Do with All of These Pictures?

N.G. asks from Dallas

Ladies, I have tons of extra pictures laying around the house. As my girls get older, I keep adding new 8x10s and 10x13s to the walls, and my walls are getting clutt...


What to Do with Received Christmas Cards After the Holidays

S. asks from Las Vegas

Ok, this may be a kinda weird question, most people probly just throw them away. We got some beautiful Christmas cards this year and during the holidays we hang them ...


HELP! Overwhelmed with Son's Preschool Projects

D.W. asks from Dallas

Hi, Moms. I just wrote a long message and got booted out. Must be this router. UUGG! So, in a nutshell, I'm overwhelmed by the amount of projects, paperwork, ...


Need Creativity Inspiration with Souvenir Pins

E.B. asks from Honolulu

In all the moving and unpacking recently, I re-discovered my son's souvenir pin collection from when he was young. There are pins from places we traveled when my dh ...


Free Personal Website

S.M. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know of where I can set up a free personal/family web site? I want a place to display pictures and videos and maybe start a blog.


JFF (Sorta) Weird?

E.S. asks from Dayton

I recently learned that my FIL has a unflattering pic of me (taken shortly after giving birth) and my fam on his bedroom wall. It made me really mad at first, but I g...


Where to Find a Dress Form/mannequin in the Frisco Area?

C.O. asks from Dallas

I am looking for a dress form or mannequin to display some of my merchandise for my website and at craft shows. I do not need a dress form for sewing, but for disp...


I Want to Open a Mommy & Me Clothing Boutique

A.B. asks from Cleveland

I would like to have the store as a women/mens store and the girls & boys to dress like their parents. I was going to open the store only first as womens fashions/k...


Thoma Train Sets

R.G. asks from Boston

I have 3 boys - ages 9 years, 2.5 years, & 1 year. While at a toy store recently they all had fun playing with a Thomas the train display. I think it was 2 or 3 sets ...

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