reward charts

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Results 71-80 from 1,493 articles

Need Ideas for Behavior Chart

C.M. asks from Dallas

I am so weary from dealing with my 4 year old daughter and her on and off moody behavior. I have tried several different things and nothing seems to be working. Now...


Seeking Advice on Getting My Child to Obey Without Yelling

A.F. asks from Houston

My 4 year old girl is a smart little ball of energy. Once she gets something in her mind then she can't hear or listen to much else. She responds to me yelling at her...


Behavior Chart for a 5 Year Old and a 3 Year Old

S.K. asks from Sacramento

So my question is this, do you do two different charts with two different systems? My husband wants to create a system where the kids have ten points each day. He w...


HELP Poopy Training My 3.5 Year Old!!!

J.H. asks from Visalia

My son will be going to a preschool in June where they have to be completely potty trained. Our problem is, he tends to do it in his underwear. First, I tried the pul...


Who Is in Charge?

K.F. asks from Chicago

My children have not been listening lately. How do i remind them who is boss in my house. They seem to have forgotten. Also how do you stop a pre teen 12 year old fro...


Potty Training -

M.M. asks from Boston

My almost 4 year old son is potty trained for the most part and has been for several months. He has had days where he is accident free, many days in a row even. Whe...


Strong-willed 5 Year Old Son Refuses to Poop in Toilet - Any Advice?

L.M. asks from San Francisco

I am the mother of a very strong-willed almost 5 year old boy who refuses to go poop in the toilet. We have been trying to help him with this issue for almost 2 years...


How Can I Motivate My Kids to Do Their Chores?

C.R. asks from Kansas City

They need to be rewarded for doing their chores without being asked. I have chore charts and stickers, but I need more ideas than that. We can't afford to pay them mo...


Trying to Getting My Daughter Potty Trained.

C.B. asks from Binghamton

I have been trying to potty train my daughter since nov and still no luck. She sometimes tells me she has to go and other times she just pees in her potty pants. I ha...


Dare I Say It? Are We Parenting by Bribery?!

A.B. asks from Seattle

Some food for thought. It just dawned on me this morning as I was browsing today’s “questions” email that the amount of questions/answers I see that come throug...

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Answer Highlights

  • marble jar in 2 answers "I loved the marble jar with my kindergarteners!"
  • verbal praise in 2 answers "Of course my kids get regular hugs, kisses and verbal praise, but I consider that ..."
  • every little thing in 2 answers "I agree with you 100%. I don't believe in rewarding kids for every little thing they ..."
  • ice cream in 2 answers "... something special (like a small toy or extra tv time or trip out for ice cream ..."
  • behavior charts in 2 answers "Research says that behavior charts only reinforce extrinsic motivation."