reward charts

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Results 91-100 from 1,493 articles

My Son Is Almost 4 and Won't Poop in the Potty. HELP!

J.A. asks from Sharon

I have been trying to potty train my son since he turned 3 yrs old. He does great with the whole peeing in the potty however he refused to poop in the potty. He rat...


Getting My Child to Quit Thumbsucking

N.J. asks from Charleston

I have two girls, both of whom suck their thumbs. The dentist said to try Mavala stop to make them not want to suck. I have also heard that a reward system for not su...


Does Anyone Else Have a Child with ADHD, Then Think the Sibling May Also?

K.B. asks from Portland

My 5 year old started kindegarden this year, and I just spoke with the teacher. He is having problems concentrating, sliding out of his chair, cant stay focused,ect....


Poopy Training

K.W. asks from Madison

Hi moms. We have a 2 year, 8 month old boy who was EXTREMELY easy to potty-train. He went from untrained w/ occasional sits on the potty chair to completely potty-t...


Is Counseling Right for My 3 Year Old Son??

J.S. asks from Little Rock

I usually would not ask a question on a site but at this point my husband and I are desperate. We ,have 3 kids 6, 3, and 6 months. Our 3 year old is literally uncontr...


My 5 Yr Old Grandson Starts Kindergarden in 2 Wks and Refuses to Poop in Potty

M.M. asks from Atlanta

My 5 year old grandson starts kindergarden in 2 wks and refuses to poop in poty. We have tried all the tricks and nothing. Can he go to school with this problem? ...


Advice on How to Stop 8Yr Old from Messing Pants

E.W. asks from Cleveland

My eight year old keeps soiling her underwear everyday. We've done star charts with rewards and that helps until she completes the chart. I've taken TV privleges aw...


Potty Training Blues

R.K. asks from Portland

My son is 2 1/2 and still isn't potty trained yet. I work full time and even the baby sitter is having a hard time too. We have tried eveything we could think of to e...


Seeking Help And/or Advice on Parenting a Child with ADHD

V.S. asks from Nashville

I am getting really frustrated with helping my son with his school work. I know that him loosing focus is not his fault, however I am getting just as frustrated as hi...


Behavior Issues with My 5 Year Old

A.C. asks from Chicago

The behavior specialist came at the beginning of the year through his head start preschool because I told them the way he acts out at home. His biological dad is only...

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Answer Highlights

  • individualized education plan in 2 answers "ADHD qualifies your son for an IEP, and Individualized Education Plan (or its first ..."
  • two middle fingers in 2 answers "My sister told her four year old when J sucked her two middle fingers that only ""
  • once upon a potty in 2 answers "Oh--did you read him Once Upon A Potty (for boys). That might help too!"
  • interest in potty training in 2 answers "Mine is almost 3 (in Feb) and has a slight interest in potty training."
  • do it when they are ready in 2 answers "... MAKE him get potty trained in your time frame. They do it when they are ready ..."