reduce credit debt

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Results 131-140 from 253 articles

Need Help Fast

T.M. asks from Terre Haute

Ok, I had my son almost 18 months ago. Paid all the bills I owe, or so I thought. A few months ago, I got this bill out of the blue from a doctor I had never heard of...


Affording to Stay at Home

B.B. asks from Jacksonville

We are financially struggling with two children under the age of 27 mths. I am currently working because my husband doesn't support me staying at home. Close to 60% o...


Ok, I Know I Won't Get Much Sympathy, but Here Goes...

R.M. asks from Dallas

Ok, I have an issue. Most will say it's a good issue to have and I should thank my lucky stars...and I AM lucky. However I need help. Here's the deal... I have a ...


Desperate for Money Savings Ides

T.M. asks from Jackson

Hello Mamas! My husband just had to take a $20,000 cut in pay. No, I'm seriously not lying about this. We are pretty scared and will most likely use up our savin...


Need to Spend Less on Groceries

T.R. asks from New York

I have a family of 4 with 2 children. I make a meal plan for 1 week....what I will make for each day and of course, write all indgredients down on the grocery list. ...


Feeling Stuck in Doomed Marriage.

M.F. asks from Phoenix

Ok ladies, I know that sounds dramatic, but it's the best summary of the situation I could come up with. My husband has made yet another huge f*ck-up that has put ou...


Fiscal Cliff, Who Will You Blame?

J.W. asks from St. Louis

So I keep reading about the fiscal cliff. We have Obama saying he will sign nothing less that raising taxes on millionaires and billionaires, otherwise known as thos...


How Do You and Your Husband Handle Spending and Money?

J.G. asks from Washington DC

My husband and I are at a crossroads about our day-to-day finances. I am looking for ideas on how others budget, handle checkbooks, who decides how much is OK to sp...


How to Get Hubby on Board with MY Dream (Part-time SAHM)?

S.J. asks from Wausau

Since as long as I can remember, it was always a goal of mine to be a SAHM. At this point I would gladly settle for part-time. Our daughter is almost a year old, and ...


EDITED - How Much Does Any of Us Need?

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

I am in a period of sort of reevaluating some things about my life, kind of taking stock, if you will. I am really trying to get an idea of the ways other people l...

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Answer Highlights

  • they waited 18 months to bill in 2 answers "... if you have to pay the bill pay 10 dollars a month they waited 18 months to bill ..."
  • bush tax cuts in 3 answers "... we are running over $1TRILLION in deficit spending... When the Bush tax cuts ..."
  • waited too long to file in 2 answers "... you and tell them they must cover the cost since they waited too long to file ..."
  • chicken noodle soup in 2 answers "chicken enchiladas from leftover meat, chopped up. 3. chicken noodle soup from cooked ..."
  • your own laundry detergent in 2 answers "Making your own laundry detergent will save a ton of money."