recipes for cake

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Results 41-50 from 1,838 articles

Casserole Recipes

M.K. asks from Amarillo

I am in a group that does casseroles once a month. There are 6 of us so we make 6 casseroles (the same) and freeze them ad exchange. I need some recipes fro some go...


Pancake Recipes

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

My DS is turing 2 in March and we are having a party based on the book, 'If You Give a Pig a Pancake". Of course, we will be serving pancakes, along with other brunc...


Sneaky Recipes

G.T. asks from Boston

OK, my 2 girls are ages 3 and 6. They are the worst when it comes to fruit and veggies. I used to be able to sneak some stuff into smoothies, but now neither one of...


Chocolate Cake or Other Cake Recipes for a Son Who Has: Milk, Egg,wheat Allergy

M.M. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi everyone, My son was diagnosed with all of the above allergies as well as shrimp and sesame seeds. He's almost 19 months and although I've become really good at ...


Potluck Ideas and Dump Cake Recipes

B.W. asks from Pittsburgh

I am going to a potluck family reunion saturday and need some ideas of what food to take. I need something pretty cheap and easy to make (i'm not much of a cook). I a...


Black Forest Cake Recipe?

J.V. asks from Chicago

Hubby's is having his 40th this weekend and wants a black forest cake. I am having a hard time finding recipes that have kirsh in the actual cake batter. I"m hopin...


A Question About Frosting a Cake (For All You Cake Baking Mamas)

L.!. asks from Austin

Hey everyone; My daughter had her 5th birthday today and I baked her cake. I actually made the cake last night and frosted it this morning so it would be complete...


Tried and True Gluten-free Cake Recipes

J.B. asks from Boston

Hi - I am making a cake for a relative's 50th birthday next week. The birthday girl has been on a gluten-free diet for a while (allergies and arthritis) so I want to ...


Bread Recipes

D.H. asks from Miami

I am buying a bread maker today because I am not satisfied with the majority of choices at the grocery store. I'm trying to avoid preservative, high fructose corn sy...


First Birthday Cake

K.I. asks from Boston

My daughter's first birthday is soon and I am trying to decide what to do for her birthday cake. She has not had any egg and someone warned me that she could have a ...

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Answer Highlights

  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup in 3 answers "Mix 3/4 cup water and 1 can cream of mushroom soup and pour over meatballs."
  • 1 4 cup chopped onion in 2 answers "... soup, 1 can cream of celery soup, 1/4 cup chopped celery, 1/4 cup chopped onion ..."
  • 1 can cream of celery soup in 2 answers "... can use canned chicken), 1 can cream of chicken soup, 1 can cream of celery soup ..."
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup in 3 answers "... chicken breast cooked and cut up into pieces 1 can cream of chicken soup ..."
  • extra virgin olive oil in 2 answers "SP Fries-drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil onto wedges, or fry shapes you cut ..."