rash under breast

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Drool Rash

M.B. asks from Austin

My 7 month olds drool rash is out of control. I have tried Aquafor, the lanolin nipple cream from Lansinoh, two prescriptions, a lanolin free nipple cream, organic sk...


Breast Lump

G.B. asks from Boise

If there is a quarter sized lump in the breast, do they still do a mamo? Im assuming not. What do they do after that? I put a small hair pick in my bra and it would ...


Shingles on Breast

A.D. asks from Philadelphia

I met with my primary physician this morning who promptly got me an appointment with her preferred dermantoligist this afternoon. But while I'm waiting I thought I w...


Diaper Rash

S.T. asks from Denver

Any recommendations for cream to treat diaper rash? I've been using Desitin regularly, and i guess it's ok. Last time we were at the ped, he prescribed us some stuff ...


Mysterious Rash

J.D. asks from Nashville

My baby is now 5 months old hes been a formula baby since he was three weeks and i've always used tap water unboiled for his bottles. About a week ago he began to bre...


Pulling off the Breast

C.V. asks from Harrisburg

just recently my little one started pulling off the breast like he was frusterated at not giving enough. i have been having to supplement lately so does this mean th...


Breast Issues...

H.C. asks from Fayetteville

Any of you LADIES have milk discharge after almost two years since you gave birth? I've never had this problem before but I scared of my wits end and don't know what'...


Breast Reduction

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

I would like to hear some positive and negatives from those who have had a breast reduction. As I have reached the point where I am done having children, I am focusin...


Breast Pain

L.R. asks from Seattle

I have been having stabbing pain in the underside of my right breast for about 3 weeks. My daughter is 18 months old and nurses at nap/bedtime. The pain doesn't start...


Severe Diaper Rash

C.C. asks from Houston

my daughter is 2weeks old; she has a severe diaper rash...we have tried putting Butt Paste and Desitin and havent seen a difference...what else should we use to put o...

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Answer Highlights

  • inflamed lymph node in 2 answers "... mammogram a few years back for what turned out to be an inflamed lymph node."
  • does sound a bit like eczema in 2 answers "It sounds like the rash needs to be diagnosed. It does sound a bit like eczema, but ..."
  • anti fungal cream in 5 answers "I would also try an anti-fungal cream (like for athlete's foot) if it's related to ..."
  • athletes foot cream in 4 answers "You can use lotrimin, yes, its an Athletes foot cream."
  • had severe diaper rash in 4 answers "C., Whenever my child has had severe diaper rash, I would use 100% pure Vitamin E ..."